A Jew in Neukölln. My Path to Coexistence of Religions
Audio recording: Reading and Discussion as Part of the New German Stories Series (audio recording available, in German)
Committed, pugnacious, and at home in Neukölln – the theology student and journalist Ármin Langer presents his first book at the Jewish Museum Berlin. In it he tells of Jewish life in his district, where few Jews and many Muslims live. He promotes Muslim-Jewish dialogue with his Salaam-Shalom initiative, of whose successes and false starts he reports with refreshing openness.
recording available

W. M. Blumenthal Academy,
Klaus Mangold Auditorium
Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 1, 10969 Berlin
(Opposite the Museum)
Through his book and his commitment, Langer also counteracts those voices that regard the Muslim influence in Neukölln with concern and question the safety of Jews in the neighborhood.
A personal appeal, an invitation for discussion.
Audio recording of the reading and discussion with an introduction by Alina Gromova, in German; Jewish Museum Berlin 2016
Ármin Langer
Ármin Langer was born in Munich in 1990 as the son of Hungarian migrants, and grew up in Vienna and Sopron. After graduating from high school, he studied philosophy at the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest and also visited the Yeshivah in Jerusalem in the summers of 2012 and 2013. Having completed his degree, Langer began to study Jewish theology at the University of Potsdam and was a student rabbi at Abraham Geiger College in Berlin from 2013 to 2016. Langer has worked for several years as teacher and cantor in various Jewish communities in Europe and is also a freelance journalist.
Moderator: Alina Gromova, Jewish Museum Berlin
Interview Series: New German Stories (12)
New German Stories
From 2014 to 2017, our colleagues from the Academy program on migration and diversity held regular events at the Jewish Museum in a series called New German Stories. The guests' lives speak to Germany, past and present, as a society of migration, and the events take these life stories as a springboard for exploring these themes. Beforehand, the guests were almost always interviewed. We have compiled these interviews for you here.
Karamba Diaby
“We should close this representation gap”
26 May 2017 -
Anita Awosusi
On her book Our Father – A Sinti Family Recounts
6 Feb 2017 -
Ármin Langer
“The boredom of peaceful coexistence”
18 Oct 2016 -
Marion Kraft
“The part Black soldiers played in the liberation of Germany from Nazism has been largely neglected”
6 Jul 2016 -
Çiçek Bacık
“We’ve always been spoken and written about”
13 Oct 2015 -
Fereshta Ludin
“I wish more people would look in my eyes instead of at my scarf”
16 Sep 2015 -
David Ranan
“Other but not foreign”
6 Jul 2015 -
Ahmad Milad Karimi
On his book Osama bin Laden is Sleeping with Fishes
9 Mar 2015 -
Alina Gromova
Generation “kosher light”. Young Jews of Russian descent in Berlin
8 Sep 2014 -
Canan Turan
Kıymet or: A cinematic tribute to my grandmother
4 Jul 2014 -
Urmila Goel and Nisa Punnamparambil-Wolf
Dealing creatively with ethnic classificationsInterview
19 Mar 2014 -
Alice Bota, Khuê Pham, and Özlem Topçu
“New German stories”
29 Jan 2014
Where, when, what?
- When19 Oct 2016
W. M. Blumenthal Academy,
Klaus Mangold Auditorium
Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 1, 10969 Berlin
(Opposite the Museum)
See location on map
Event Series: New German Stories (4)
New German Stories
From 2014 to 2018, New German Stories illustrated Germany’s past and present as a multiethnic society through the lens of individual lives. The event series included readings, film screenings, and conversations.
Germanija. How I Became an Adult and a Jew in Germany
Reading and discussion on Dmitrij Belkin's narrative that also throws light on immigration today, in German
Audio Recording
19 Oct 2017 -
With Karamba to the Bundestag
Reading and Discussion with Karamba Diaby, in German
Audio Recording
1 Jun 2017 -
Vater unser. Eine Sintifamilie erzählt
(Our Father. A Sinti Family Recounts)Discussion and reading with Anita Awosusi, in German
Audio Recording
23 Mar 2017 -
A Jew in Neukölln: My Path to Coexistence of Religions
The theology student and journalist Ármin Langer presents his first book, in German
Audio Recording
19 Oct 2016
Audio Recordings: Listen to Past Museum Events (68)
Listen to Past Museum Events
Lectures, book presentations, theatrical readings, panel discussions, and award ceremonies
Opportunities and Limits of the Tolerance of Ambiguity
Part of the Lecture Series Where Does the Truth Lie? On the Tolerance of Ambiguity (in German)
Audio Recording
23 Oct 2024 -
Halle and Hanau as a Watershed
Consequences and perspectives five years after the attacks (in German)
Audio Recording
1 Oct 2024 -
Tolerance of Ambiguity and the Muslim Perspective
Part of the Lecture Series Where Does the Truth Lie? On the Tolerance of Ambiguity (in German)
Audio Recording
25 Sep 2024 -
Tolerance of Ambiguity and Art
Part of the Lecture Series Where Does the Truth Lie? On the Tolerance of Ambiguity (in German)
Audio Recording
13 Jun 2024 -
World History in Berlin
The Humboldt Brothers and the Jewish Enlightenment, with Uta Lohmann, Sebastian Panwitz, and Conrad Wiedemann, Humboldt researchers, in German
30 Oct 2019 -
Antisemitism Today – A Challenge for School and Society
Talk by Juliane Wetzel as part of the symposium Actively Countering Antisemitism and Exclusion, in German
21 Feb 2019 -
Katharina Galor: The Temple Mount
Archaeologist Katharina Galor talks about the historical and archaeological heritage of Jerusalem’s most controversial site – the Temple Mount (Har haBait)
9 Jan 2019 -
Stolen Judaica
Provenance Research in Israel and GermanyIn this symposium, research that explores the origins of Jewish ceremonial objects exclusively in Israel and Germany, took center stage for the first time, in German and English
18/19 Jun 2018 -
Rechavia – Grunewald in the Orient
Reading with Thomas Sparr on German-Jewish Jerusalem, in German
28 Feb 2018 -
A Canon of Jewish Renaissance
Bernhard Jensen, author of the first monograph about the Soncino Society in conversation with publisher Thedel von Wallmoden, in German
22 Feb 2018 -
Jerusalem for Cowards
Discussion with filmmakers Dalia Castel and Orit Nahmias following the screening of Jerusalem for Cowards
19 Feb 2018 -
Who is carrying the Menorah?
Talk by Steven Fine on Jewish Counter-Histories of the Arch of Titus Spoils Panel
8 Feb 2018 -
The Many Deaths of Jew Süss
Reading with Yair Mintzker on Joseph Süß Oppenheimer – Jew Süss
22 Jan 2018 -
Germanija. How I Became an Adult and a Jew in Germany
Reading and discussion on Dmitrij Belkin’s narrative that also throws light on immigration today, in German
19 Oct 2017 -
IN-/EXCLUSIONS and Self-Empowerment in the Cultural Business
With Max Czollek, Dan Thy Nguyen, Sandrine Micossé-Aikins, and Mutlu Ergün-Hamaz, in German
Panel Discussion
12 Oct 2017 -
Volk, Volksgemeinschaft, AfD (People, National Community, AfD)
Book presentation and discussion with Alexander Häusler and the author Michael Wildt, in German
10 Oct 2017 -
Incredibly Clever
Iris Berben reads Paula Buber, in German and English
5 Aug 2017 -
Before the After Party
Reading and talk with the author Molly Antopol, translator Patricia Klobusiczky and actor Katharina Marie Schubert, in German and English
15 Jul 2017 -
Life Pictures. Classical Archaeologists and National Socialism
Gunnar Brands and Martin Maischberger discuss the spectrum of possible behaviors of scientists under the auspices of totalitarian regimes, in German
10 Jul 2017 -
Yousef Abad
Eliz Sanasarian and Elham Rokni on video art by Elham Rokni and the situation of Jews in Iran from the 1979 revolution to today
6 Jul 2017 -
The New Völkerwanderung. Book Presentation by Asfa Wossen Asserate
Asfa-Wossen Asserate presents his latest book Die neue Völkerwanderung (The New Völkerwanderung) on the grievances of the EU’s Africa policy, in German
3 Jul 2017 -
Peter Schäfer – “Two Gods in Heaven. Concepts of God in the Ancient Jewish World”
Peter Schäfer and Michael Wolffsohn on monotheism in Judaism and Christianity and concepts of a second god, in German
12 Jun 2017 -
With Karamba to the Bundestag – My Journey from Senegal to the German Parliament
Karamba Diaby tells of his birth country Senegal, of life in the GDR, his work in the Bundestag, and of his vision of an open and future-oriented society, in German
1 Jun 2017 -
Ariel Sabar: My Father’s Paradise: A Son’s Search for His Jewish Past in Kurdish Iraq
Reading and talk with the writer Ariel Sabar on the story of his father Yona Sabar, professor of the Neo-Aramaic language, and the Kurdish-Jewish history
11 May 2017 -
The Dress of the Unfaithful Wife
Artist Talk and Discussion on Women and Sexuality in JudaismTalk with Andi LaVine Arnovitz, Amy K. Milligan, Professor for Jewish Studies and Women's Studies, and Emily D. Bilski, art historian, on the role of women in religious Judaism
9 May 2017 -
Israelis in Germany
Ideological Debates and Changing IdentitiesTalk and Slideshow with Dr. Dani Kranz and Katja Harbi from the University of Wuppertal on Israeli Jews in today’s Germany, in German
4 May 2017 -
Im/Possibilities – Perspectives on Refugee Participation
Conference on the situation for refugees in Europe and Germany. Recording of the opening event with a talk by Gurminder K Bhambra, Professor of Sociology at the University of Warwick, UK, followed by a panel discussion, in German and English
29 Mar 2017 -
Our Father: A Sinti Family Recounts
Conversation and reading with the German-Sinti civil rights activist and author Anita Awosusi and her daughter Tayo Onutor about their family’s history, in German
23 Mar 2017 -
Europe Against the Jews. 1880-1945
Historian Götz Aly and Daniel Cohn-Bendit discuss antisemitism in Eastern and Western Europe from 1880 to the present, in German
22 Feb 2017 -
The Acid Test. How Fear of Foreigners is Threatening our Democracy
The Islamic studies and education scholar Lamya Kaddor reads from her book and discusses integration with Minister of State Aydan Özoğuz and Andreas Zick, in German
16 Feb 2017 -
Gottes Körper (God's Body)
Christoph Markschies in conversation with Peter Schäfer about Christian conceptions of God and their roots in other ancient religions, in German
13 Feb 2017 -
All Sorts of Stories
The actor Johanna Wokalek reads from Bertha Pappenheim’s German translation of the Maase book, a collection of Yiddish stories, fairy tales, and legends, in German
21 Nov 2016 -
Joshua Cohen: You want a golem?
Reading and conversation with Joshua Cohen and Caspar Battegay about the golem myth in the age of automation
17 Nov 2016 -
A Jew in Neukölln – My Path to Coexistence of Religions
The theology student and writer Ármin Langer reads from his book and talks about Jewish life in Neukölln, in German
19 Oct 2016 -
The Clay Giant's Alive!
Held on 8 and 9 October. A musical reading with the author Anke Kuhl, plus a visit to the golem workshop, for children aged 5 and older, in German
8 Oct 2016 -
Reading with Christian Berkel: Tevye the Dairyman
To mark the 100th anniversary of Sholem Alejchem’s death, the actor Christian Berkel will read from the new translation of the book Tevye the Dairyman
9 Jul 2016 -
Herzl reloaded – It’s No Fairytale
Staged reading. Doron Rabinovici, writer and historian, and Natan Sznaider, sociologist, have a fictional email correspondence with Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism, in German
7 Jul 2016 -
Ludwig Haas – A Left-liberal Campaigner for Peace and Democracy
Symposium with Evening Lecture by Gerhart Baum on the liberal Campaigner Ludwig Haas (1875–1930) and Perspectives of Left-wing Liberalism Today
9 Jun 2016 -
The Holocaust and the Problem of Visual Representation
Talk with artist and exhibition curator Peter Weibel about Boris Lurie and visual representation of the Holocaust, in German
30 May 2016 -
Helga Krohn: Bruno Asch
Reading and talk with Helga Krohn on the local politician and socialist Bruno Asch
19 May 2016 -
Angst ums Abendland (Fears For the West)
Book Presentation with Daniel BaxTalk with Daniel Bax and Gideon Botsch on Right-wing populist parties, anti-Muslim sentiments, flight and asylum, in German
6 Apr 2016 -
Béla Guttmann - The World History of Football in one Person
The writer Detlev Claussen presents his book about the Hungarian-Jewish soccer coach Béla Guttmann, in German
4 Aug 2015 -
Attempts to Describe Anti-Semitism
Book presentation and discussion on the history of antisemitism research before 1944 with Hans-Joachim Hahn, Olaf Kistenmacher, Dr. Werner Treß, and Franziska Krah, in German
22 Apr 2015 -
From a Berlin Farce to a Story of Success
The writer Daniel Bussenius talks with Inka Bertz and Heinrich Wefing, reporter from Die Zeit, about the museum’s development from 1971 to 2001, in German
2 Mar 2015 -
The Realignment of “Education after Auschwitz” in Immigration Society
Book presentation and panel discussion with the author Rosa Fava, Angela Kühner (University of Frankfurt), Selman Erkovan, history teacher in training, and Marco Kühnert, a guide at the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial, Hamburg, in German
27 Jan 2015 -
The Book of Job. Aesthetics, Ethics, Hermeneutics
The editors of a volume of essays about the Book of Job, Leora Batnitzky (Princeton) and Ilana Pardes (Jerusalem), in conversation with Vivian Liska, in German and English
21 Jan 2015 -
What’s your "Heimat"?
W. Michael Blumenthal, Founding Director of the Jewish Museum Berlin, and Monika Grütters, Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, talk about culture, religion, and being at home in a foreign place, in German
14 Nov 2014 -
Zimzum. God and the creation of the world
Author Christoph Schulte talks with Micha Brumlik and Vivian Liska about his book on the notion of zimzum (tzimtzum) in Jewish mysticism, in German
30 Oct 2014 -
Hebrew Worlds – On the Presence of Ancient Texts in Modern Ivrith
Anne Birkenhauer, a translator and the August Wilhelm Schlegel Guest Professor of the German Translation Fund and the FU Berlin, gives her inaugural lecture, in German
27 Oct 2014 -
Forgotten Soldiers?
Historian Tim Grady presents his research on the commemoration of German-Jewish soldiers from the First World War
3 Sep 2014 -
Modernized, then Tolerated?
Micha Brumlik, Petra Bahr, Kadir Sanci, and Thomas Bauer about religion and navigating between tradition and adaptation, in German
10 Oct 2013 -
1933: Denial, Opposition, and Protest
Wolf Gruner about his research into German Jews’ responses to Nazi persecution, in German
8 Aug 2013 -
Peter Schäfer: The Origins of Jewish Mysticism
Panel discussion between the author Peter Schäfer, Christoph Markschies, and Micha Brumlik about Schäfer’s book on the history of early Jewish mysticism, in German
25 Jun 2012 -
The History of Jews and Dönme in Turkey
The Turkish studies scholar Corry Guttstadt and the historian Marc Baer discuss the history of Jews and Dönme (converts) in Turkey, in German
31 Jan 2011 -
Perrine Simon-Nahum: Jews in France Today
Talk by Perrine Simon-Nahum about her book on the circumstances of Jews in France, both past and present
29 Nov 2010 -
W. Michael Blumenthal: Around the World in Eighty Years. My Life
W. Michael Blumenthal, Founding Director of the Jewish Museum Berlin, presents his memoir, in German
30 Sept 2010 -
Jewish Youth Movement in Germany
Talk by Ulrike Pilarczyk and panel discussion with Micha Brumlik, Hans Jakob Ginsburg, Stefanie Schüler-Springorum, and Moshe Zuckermann about the history of the Zionist youth movement in Germany, in German
22 May 2010 -
Dialogues on Jewish Present: On the Question of Redemption – Messianism and the End of Days
with Moshe Idel, Elliot R. Wolfson, and Micha Brumlik about the Messianic promise of redemption and its relevance in the twenty-first century, in English
10 Dec 2009 -
Walther Rathenau’s Life: Text and Context
Talk by Shulamit Volkov about the life of the writer, politician, and industrialist Walther Rathenau, in German
15 Oct 2009 -
Migrants Moving History
Saskia Sassen about immigration, diversity, and future prospects for dealing with history and citizenship in multiethnic societies
25 Oct 2008 -
Self Displaced Person. Peter Szondi’s Problematic Judaism
Talk by Andreas Isenschchmid about the life and work of the literary scholar Peter Szondi, in German
3 Dec 2007 -
Painted in words. The portrait of a lost time
Reading and conversation with the artist Samuel Bak about his family’s story and his survival as a child in German-occupied Vilnius, in German
10 Oct 2007 -
A synagogue curtain at the Brandenburg Cathedral Chapter
Talk by Vera Bendt about a synagogue curtain that was discovered at the Brandenburg Cathedral Chapter, where it had been listed in records as an altar curtain, in German
23 Nov 2006 -
Exile in Shanghai
Conversation between W. Michael Blumenthal and Horst Eisfelder about the time they both spent in Shanghai, where 18,000 Jews from Germany had taken refuge, in German
14 Nov 2006 -
The place of psychoanalysis in the history of the Jews
Talk by Eli Zaretsky about the influence of psychoanalysis on Judaism and the place of psychoanalysis in Jewish history
30 May 2005 -
Breaking Ground: Adventures in Life and Architecture
In conversation with Susanne Weingarten, Daniel Libeskind presents his autobiography
25 Jan 2005 -
The Fragile Foundation: The Quest for German-Jewish “Normalcy”
Salomon Korn reads essays from his book about Jewish life in Germany, Jewish culture and remembrance, architecture, and politics, in German
30 Sep 2003 -
Times of Commemoration: On Jewish Histories and Others
Book presentation by the historian Dan Diner about remembering the twentieth century as an era of violence, forced displacement, and genocide, in German
24 Jun 2003
Academy Programs: Past Events for You to Listen To and Watch 2011–2019 (40)
Past Events for You to Listen To and Watch 2011–2019
We have recorded some of our conferences, lectures, readings, and panel discussions for you as audio or video files.
About a Tea Bowl
Discussion with brief presentations about interwoven experiences of post-Soviet Jewish migration, video recording, in German
27 Nov 2019 -
Ruth Wodak: Swing to the right?!
Ruth Wodak traces how a new “normality to the right” is establishing itself in many European countries, video-recording, in German
17 Oct 2019 -
“To Know One Religion Is to Know None”
W. Michael Blumenthal Fellow Walid Abdelgawad talks about reflections on Islam and Judaism in the writings of German-speaking Jewish orientalists between 1833 and 1955, video recording, in German
28 Aug 2019 -
Museums, Religion and the Work of Reconciliation and Remembrance
with the curators Jisgang Nika Collision (Haida Gwaii Museum, Haida Nation & Canada) and Léontine Meijer-van Mensch (Saxonian State Ethnographic Collections), video recording
9 May 2019 -
Access Barriers. Critical Perspectives on Racism in Schools and Curatorial Practices
Keynote by Bonita Bennett (District Six Museum, Cape Town) at the conference Access Barriers on museums as places of social change, video recording
20 Mar 2019 -
Happy Birthday, Academy Programs!
Introducing the Academy Programs as well as Panel Discussions: Jewish Fathers – Jewish Children? and A Pre-fascist Era?, video recording, in German
Panel Discussion
2 Dec 2018 -
Living with Islamophobia
The international conference Living with Islamophobia considered how cultural and religious affiliations are constructed and invited experts to enter into discussion, video recording, in English and German
11 + 12 Oct 2018 -
Imported Antisemitism?
We discuss with political, academic, and practical experts which manifestations of antisemitism among Arab migrants and Muslims in Germany exist, video recording, in German
30 Aug 2018 -
Ongoing Struggles. Anti-Discrimination Work during the Rise of the Far Right
with Imani Perry: What Lies Underneath: Difficult Histories and the Resurgence of The Far Right, video recording
7 Jun 2018 -
What is the Relationship Between Antisemitism and Islamophobia?
Lectures by David Feldman and Stefanie Schüler-Springorum, video recording, in English and German
Video Recording
20 Mar 2018 -
New Judaism – Alliances in Postmigrant Society
On concepts of being Jewish within the third generation of Jews in Germany, video recording, in German and English
16 Nov 2017 -
Germanija. How I Became an Adult and a Jew in Germany
Reading and discussion on Dmitrij Belkin's narrative that also throws light on immigration today, audio recording, in German
19 Oct 2017 -
IN-/EXCLUSIONS and Self-Empowerment in the Cultural Business
With Max Czollek, Dan Thy Nguyen, Sandrine Micossé-Aikins, and Mutlu Ergün-Hamaz, audio recording, in German
12 Oct 2017 -
People, National Community, AfD
Book presentation and discussion with the author Michael Wildt and Alexander Häusler, audio recording, in German
10 Oct 2017 -
Future Memories
Discussion on the Importance of Minority Perspectives for European Societies’ Commemorative Cultures, video recording, in German and English
26 Sep 2017 -
Man as Lord or Guardian of Creation?
Nawal Ammar and Hava Tirosh-Samuelson, video recording, in German and English
13 Jul 2017 -
Yousef Abad
Eliz Sanasarian and Elham Rokni on video art by Elham Rokni and the situation of Jews in Iran from the 1979 revolution to today, audio recording
6 Jul 2017 -
Religion. Fashion. Empowerment.
Discussion with Reina Lewis and Meriem Lebdiri, video recording, in English and German
29 Jun 2017 -
With Karamba to the Bundestag – My Journey from Senegal to the German Parliament
Karamba Diaby tells of his birth country Senegal, of life in the GDR, his work in the Bundestag, and of his vision of an open and future-oriented society, audio recording, in German
1 Jun 2017 -
Ariel Sabar: My Father’s Paradise: A Son’s Search for His Jewish Past in Kurdish Iraq
Reading and talk with the writer Ariel Sabar on the story of his father Yona Sabar, professor of the Neo-Aramaic language, and the Kurdish-Jewish history, audio recording
11 May 2017 -
Israelis in Germany. Ideological Debates and Changing Identities
Talk and Slideshow with Dr. Dani Kranz and Katja Harbi from the University of Wuppertal on Israeli Jews in today’s Germany, audio recording, in German
4 May 2017 -
Im/Possibilities – Perspectives on Refugee Participation
Conference on the situation for refugees in Europe and Germany. Recording of the opening event with a talk by Gurminder K Bhambra, Professor of Sociology at the University of Warwick, UK, audio recording, in German and English
29 Mar 2017 -
Our Father: A Sinti Family Recounts
Conversation and reading with the German-Sinti civil rights activist and author Anita Awosusi and her daughter Tayo Onutor about their family’s history, audio recording, in German
23 Mar 2017 -
The Acid Test – How Fear of Foreigners is Threatening our Democracy
The Islamic studies and education scholar Lamya Kaddor reads from her book and discusses integration with Minister of State Aydan Özoğuz and Andreas Zick, audio recording, in German
16 Feb 2017 -
Jews in North Africa During the Second World War
Theme day with lectures by Michel Abitbol, Eric Salerno, Patrick Bernhard, Haim Saadoun, and panel discussion, video recording, in German, English, and French
26 Jan 2017 -
A Jew in Neukölln – My Path to Coexistence of Religions
The theology student and writer Ármin Langer reads from his book and talks about Jewish life in Neukölln, audio recording, in German
19 Oct 2016 -
Sites of Memory: Lost and Entangled Narratives
with Dr. Rosa Fava, Juliane Jurewicz, Prof. Dr. Iman Attia, Olga Gerstenberger, Ozan Keskinkiliç, Anita Awosusi, Ilona Lagrene, Prof. Dr. Michael Rothberg, and Serpil Polat, video recording, in German and English
16 Sep 2016 -
Time of Crisis
with Dan Diner, Adam Michnik, Dietmar Herz, Étienne François, and Hans Kundnani, video recording, in German
7 Sep 2016 -
Antisemitism in the Arabic World – Facts and Myths
with Michael Kiefer and Omar Kamil, video recording, in German
26 Apr 2016 -
“Angst ums Abendland” (Fears For the West) Book Presentation
Talk with Daniel Bax and Gideon Botsch on Right-wing populist parties, anti-Muslim sentiments, flight and asylum, audio recording, in German
6 Apr 2016 -
Post-migrant Society?!
International conference, recording of the opening event, video recording, in German and English
12–14 Nov 2015 -
Kill Me a Son!
Opening event with Prof. Dr. Peter Schäfer and Prof. Dr. Angelika Neuwirth, video recording, in German
3–4 Sep 2015 -
The Realignment of “Education after Auschwitz” in Immigration Society
Book presentation and panel discussion with the author Rosa Fava, Angela Kühner (University of Frankfurt), Selman Erkovan, history teacher in training, and Marco Kühnert, audio recording, in German
27 Jan 2015 -
A Shared View of Europe – Jewish and Muslim Experiences as Reflected in Public Controversies
Panel discussion with Prof. Nilüfer Göle, Shai Lavi and Gökçe Yurdakul, video recording
19 Jan 2015 -
Contemporary Jewish Life in a Global Modernity
Recording of the presentation Future of European Jewry with Dr. Karen Körber and Dr. Diana Pinto, video recording
11–12 Dec 2014 -
Snip it?!
Presentation of a study on the circumcision debate followed by a discussion as part of the Judeo-Islamic Forum, video recording, in German
4 Dec 2014 -
Concepts of Citizenship and Participation in European Comparison
Keynote by Prof. Dr. Rainer Bauböck and the following panel discussion with Dr. Manuela Bojadžijev, Josip Juratovic and Dr. Monika Lüke, video recording, in German
7–8 Apr 2014 -
Is Higher Education a Safeguard Against Racism and Antisemitism?
Presentation of a study followed by panel discussion with Wassilis Kassis, Charlotte Schallié, Iman Attia, Stefanie Schüler-Springorum and Andreas Zick, video recording, in German
20 Feb 2014 -
Modernized, then Tolerated?
Micha Brumlik, Petra Bahr, Kadir Sanci, and Thomas Bauer about religion and navigating between tradition and adaptation, audio recording, in German
10 Oct 2013 -
The History of Jews and Dönme in Turkey
The Turkish studies scholar Corry Guttstadt and the historian Marc Baer discuss the history of Jews and Dönme (converts) in Turkey, audio recording, in German
31 Jan 2011