Employees of the Jewish Museum Berlin answer the question.
“Leo Scheuer’s prayer capsule. He prayed with it his entire life, even during the 15 months that he spent buried in a hole in the ground hiding from the German occupiers.”
Monika Flores Martínez, Exhibitions
(editor’s note: In her blog post from 22. November 2012 Monika Flores Martínez described what she felt while she worked on the presentation of this object in a display case.)
“My thing of the year is a sign with “Forbidden Entrance” written on it, seen in a Viennese stairwell.”
Kai Gruzdz, Library
“My thing of the year is Macrolon – a fabulous material that’s not only light and easy to work with but that also inspires unlimited creativity!”
Katrin Strube, Collection Management
“My thing of the year is a medieval ‘Jewish pig’ statue on a church in Bad Wimpfen. It drew attention in the press after the diocese it belongs to produced a replica and placed the original statue in the state museum there, as a cultural heritage piece. It’s an anti-Jewish caricature, and yet, because it’s historical, deserves protection, raising the question: how much public money should be spent on its restoration?
Naomi Lubrich, Media