Friendly Smiles Start at the Coat Check
Our colleague Johannes Rinke in Visitor Services just sent us this funny snapshot taken in the Jewish Museum Berlin group coat check. When we asked, filled with curiosity, what the friendly creatures were doing there, we learned that these rubber animals are available for children to play with during the Cultural Summer events in the garden.
“For many years, here at the museum we only had one sorry example of this species, and it had to fritter away most of the year alone in the dark basement, until it could be enthusiastically grabbed at by hundreds of children’s hands at the Cultural Summer events,” explained Carolin Kiel in our Events department.

The animals’ big appearance during the Cultural Summer events; Jewish Museum Berlin, photo: Holger Kettner
“But this year, it’s not alone anymore. We’ve supplied it with a whole heap of companions, and they’re all available for children to play with freely at the museum Summerfest, as well as the Jazz in the Garden events, along with giant blocks, soap bubbles, and jump ropes.”
When not making their “appearances,” these adorable animals are supposed to be stored in a wheeled container in the group coat check. But since many groups are visiting the museum at the moment, we need to use the container, and the animals wandered into the coat racks, where according to Johannes Rinke, they
- have more space, important for the humane treatment of animals,
- can get a better view of the museum guests (so they don’t get so bored),
- give the groups of visitors a little foretaste of our exhibits.
If these cheerful little critters aren’t reason enough, take a closer look at our Cultural Summer Program!
Or perhaps you’re more interested in our exhibits, since you’re already greeted with such friendly smiles in the coat check?
Then go to our website, where you’ll find everything available to marvel at in the museum at the moment:
A visitor recently shared with us how special she thought her visit to the museum was: “The Jewish Museum was the most unique museum I have seen so far,” she wrote in a Be Yourself blog post.
Whether you come as part of a group or as an individual, you’ll always have a warm welcome here!
The editors of the blog wish you a wonderful Cultural Summer!