Hanukkah candelabrum in the glass courtyard of the museum, still without candles; photo: Julia Katja Jokel
Hanukkah is just around the corner, which is why in some households a menorah is standing ready—ideally, in front of the building or in the window for all to see, as is the custom. Those celebrating this eight-day-long holiday will light the first of eight candles tonight. Tomorrow, the second one will be lit, and so on—every evening one more is lit than the evening before.
From December 12 to 19, there will also be a small ceremony in the Jewish Museum’s Glass Courtyard with candle-lighting and music. Anyone who would like to come is warmly invited to take part today at 4 p.m. Further information can be found on the museum’s website.
Hanukkah commemorates the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, and the miracle associated with it. Today we can’t expect a true miracle, but there are some pretty marvelous things in our collection and from the World Wide Web that we would like to show you. Have a look!
Happy Hanukkah and chag sameach!