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Fleeing – Then and Now

An Internet Harvest for the Day of the Refugee

Woodcut with five tired people, two sitting on the floor, one leaning on a wooden box and two standig in the background

“Refugees”, color woodcut by Jakob Steinhardt, 1946, purchased with funds provided by Stiftung DKLB. You can find this and other related objects in our German-language collection database.

This year’s Day of the Refugee takes place today, 2 October 2015 as part of Intercultural Week, with the slogan “Refugees Welcome!” We have taken this as an occasion to go through our own and other websites and blogs, gathering items on this subject. Since we work at a Jewish museum, stories about fleeing are part of our ‘everyday business’: practically all of the family collections given to our museum tell stories of persecution and flight, going beyond mere statistics to depict the fates of individuals. Letters, travel documents, photographs, and personal memorabilia tell of the desperate search for a country to emigrate to, failed or successful emigrations, the often difficult life in a foreign country, the search for relatives, friends, and former neighbors, now scattered across the entire world. We tell these stories in our permanent exhibition and they have also been the subject of various special exhibitions. At the moment, for instance, in our current cabinet exhibition “In a Foreign Country” you can see publications that originated in Jewish Displaced Persons Camps. Jewish men and women waited there for their passage to Palestine or later Israel, to the USA and other countries, where they hoped to start a new life after the Shoah.

In addition to our exhibitions, we also make stories of flight and displacement visible online, for example with a selection of objects: (more…)

Data Privacy Policy:

Draft of 24 May 2018

1. General

a) Administrator and Subject

The company responsible for collecting, processing and using your personal data within the meaning of the German Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz) is

Stiftung Jüdisches Museum Berlin
Lindenstraße 9-14
10969 Berlin

The webpages of the Jewish Museum Berlin include all the pages of the website, the Online Collections area at and the blog at (hereinafter referred to as the “Webpages”), as well as the Online Shop at (hereinafter referred to as the “Online Shop”).

b) Overview: Purposes of Data Collection

To the extent you use, merely by reading, our web offerings, we collect personal data for the following purposes, which are described in more detail under sections 2 through 5 below:

Over and above the information we provide for you to read, our website makes certain service offerings available. From those who wish to use these additional services, we require additional personal data. These offerings, described in more detail below, include:

Additional functions:

  • – Informational offerings about our Circle of Friends or
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  • – Requests for tour reservations or conference bookings,
  • – Press release mailing list,
  • – E-mail forms to register for other events,
  • – Feedback form.

c) Your Rights

You have the right – subject to a few exceptions – to require information from us at any time about the data we have saved concerning you, as well as a right, under certain circumstances, to demand the correction, blockage, or deletion of data.

Where you have provided your consent to any procedure, you moreover have the right to revoke such consent.

If you wish to object, or revoke your consent, to the collection, processing, or use of your personal data pursuant to this Data Privacy Policy, whether in whole or for specific measures, you may e-mail, fax or post your objection or revocation of consent to the following address:

Stiftung Jüdisches Museum Berlin
Dr. Gerhard Stahr
Lindenstraße 9-14
10969 Berlin
Tel: +49 (0)30 259 93 350
Fax: +49 (0)30 259 93 409

We shall review your request on a case by case basis and provide you either with the information requested or with a written explanation for our not providing it.

d) Supervisory Authority

Of course, you also have the right to file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority .

2. Transmission of Online Content

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For the purpose of transmitting the web pages you have selected, your browser must typically send, among other things, the following information (as content of an HTTP-Request):

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b) Basis in Law

The aforementioned categories of data are required for transmission of the content you have selected and for optimization of our interface. Such use of your data is justified by our legitimate interest in transmitting information to you upon your request.

c) Data Transmission and Rights of Access

Rights of access are governed by our various internal access policies and by the relevant written agreements we have concluded with our service providers.

d) Term of Storage

Once the transmission of information has been completed, we no longer store the data we have collected from you for this purpose (in certain cases, however, we may store it for the purposes set forth below).

3. Security of Our Technical Systems

a) Purpose and Categories of Data

Moreover, we collect the categories of data already set forth above:

  • – your IP-address, that is, a series of numbers which identifies your current computer connection to the internet,
  • – the web page you have selected,
  • – information about the browser and operating system your are using, such as its name and version, as well as
  • – where relevant, the page from which you came to our Webpages (so-called »Referrer-Information«).

b) Basis in Law

Such storage of your data is justified by our legitimate interest in conducting an analysis of any errors in or attacks on our technical systems.

c) Data Transmission and Rights of Access

Rights of access are governed by our various internal access policies and by the relevant written agreements we have concluded with our service providers.

d) Term of Storage

The data so described are deleted – provided no breach of security has been detected – within seven days. In the event of a breach, they are deleted as soon as we no longer have a legitimate interest in continuing to store them.

e) Your Rights

In general, rights of information and correction exist with respect to the categories of data set forth above. In most cases, however, the connection to a person can be made only via his IP-address. We are nevertheless obligated to ensure that we provide information only to persons actually entitled to it. If you request information from us, therefore, you must adequately demonstrate that the information refers to you.

4. Improvement of Our Online Offerings (through website traffic statistics)

Our Webpages use Matomo, an open source web analytics application published under the GNU General Public License (available at; on data privacy, see in particular: (hereinafter referred to as »Matomo«). Matomo uses a cookie to analyze your user behavior when you visit our Webpages.
The cookie, which is stored on your computer when you visit the Webpages, also saves and transmits your masked IP address. This means that when the data is transmitted to our server, the IP address is anonymized in such a way that we cannot identify you as a visitor of our website. The analysis serves only to help us optimize and enhance our website.

a) Purpose and Categories of Data

For the purpose of improving our online offerings, we evaluate how the Webpages are used. To this end, we refer to the following information, in particular from the HTTP-Request mentioned under (a) above:

  • – your IP-address, that is, a series of numbers which identifies your current computer connection to the internet,
  • – the Webpage you have selected,
  • – information about the browser and operating system your are using, as well as
  • – where relevant, the page from which you came to our Webpages (so-called »Referrer-Information«).
  • – Moreover, we track a pseudonymous marker which is stored on your computer when you visit our Webpages (HTTP-Cookie). This makes it possible for us to recognize our users.

b) Basis in Law

Such processing of your data in the categories named above is justified by our legitimate interest in improving our online presence.

c) Data Transmission and Rights of Access

Rights of access are governed by our various internal access policies and by the relevant written agreements we have concluded with our service providers.

d) Term of Storage

Personal data are rendered anonymous immediately upon collection.

e) Your Rights

You may configure your browser to prevent the cookie from being installed. Please be advised, however, that, if you do so, you may not be able to make full use of all the features available on our Webpages.
You may furthermore prevent the cookie-generated data based on your usage of these Webpages (including your IP address) from being collected and processed by using the Matomo-Opt-Out-Function. Your browser then creates an “opt-out cookie,” preventing Matomo from collecting usage data. Please note: Deleting your browser’s cookies also deletes the opt-out cookie.

Click here and opt directly out of Matomo:

In general, you have no right to information about, correction of, or deletion of this data, because your data are collected pursuant to a process of anonymization, which usually renders it impossible for us to reproduce, at any reasonable expense, a connection to the person seeking information. You are, however, welcome to submit an application of this kind to us. We shall review your request on a case by case basis and evaluate whether it might not be possible to comply with it after all. If not, we shall provide a written explanation for why we cannot.

5. Transmission of Third-Party Offers

a) Share-Function

Further, our Webpages include links to our internet presence on the platforms

Clicking on these links does not result in any direct transmission of data to the servers of these service providers by us. You can visit the profiles of the Jewish Museum Berlin on these social networks to find out about the latest activities and topics related to the Jewish Museum Berlin, leave comments, and connect with us and other users. Your opinion is important to us, which is why we welcome constructive comments that promote spirited discussions. We kindly ask that you treat each other with respect and that you comply with our netiquette.

b) Linked Videos

Our Webpages include embedded videos from the video-sharing websites YouTube and Vimeo. To the extent you use these services, the collection and use of data will be governed by the applicable privacy protection guidelines of those firms.
For more information about the data privacy policies of YouTube and Vimeo, see:

The YouTube videos include cookies set by the provider YouTube LLC, 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. These cookies expire after a maximum of two years.

6. Comment Functions on the Blog and in Our Online Collections

You can leave comments on our Blog (Blogerim – From the corridors of the Jewish Museum Berlin ). As with comments posted on social networks, we request that you comply, in making any comments on our Blog, with the JMB’s netiquette.
This page allows you to post

  • – your name,
  • – your e-mail address, and
  • – your comment.

We will publish your name and comment after your post is approved. Your e-mail address is not published and is collected only to prevent abuses.
The processing of your data is in this case based upon your consent.
We will delete your comment if you send a request to this effect to

We will delete your Online Collection comment if you send a request to this effect to

7. Newsletter

Moreover, you can register for our Newsletter.

You will be asked to provide your e-mail address when registering for our newsletter.

We will use your e-mail address – on the basis of your consent – only for sending you information about events, invitations, priority announcements, or other information related directly to the Jewish Museum Berlin. By requesting that you click the box next to “Please send me information on a regular basis by e-mail. I agree that my data will be stored electronically, for this purpose only” on the online registration form, we are asking you to provide your consent that we may store your e-mail address.

We will store your e-mail address until you unsubscribe from our newsletter. You may unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the corresponding link in the newsletter or by submitting a corresponding request to the contact address provided above.

8. Contact for Other Purposes

You may contact us by e-mail, online contact-form, fax, telephone, or in person, e.g., for the purpose of

  • – giving us feedback,
  • – making a request,
  • – or registering for events.

In this context, we store the content of your contact request and your contact details in our data files, in most cases on the basis of your consent or for the purpose of preparing and carrying out a legal transaction with you, but in some cases on the basis of our legitimate interest in processing such data.

We pass on your data when your request requires that we do so, based either on the context or in consequence of an exchange with you.

Your personal data will be deleted upon completion of the procedure in question, provided we have no duty to retain it and no longer have a legitimate interest in retaining it.

9. Press Release Mailing List

We maintain a mailing list for the purpose of providing information to interested members of the press. In this mailing list, the following information is stored:

  • – name,
  • – address,
  • – contact data, in particular telephone number and e-mail address,
  • – press medium(s), membership in the editorial team,
  • – subjects of interest.

We generally store this data pursuant to your registration and on the basis of your consent, but in some cases on the basis of our legitimate interest in informing the public about our activities. We pass on your data only to service providers within the framework of service agreements. We do not pass on data to third parties for any other reason.

Your data will be deleted at any time upon your request.

Kol Nidre and the “Civil Improvement of the Jews” – Controversies throughout the Ages

Religious ceremony with soldiers

Postcard “Kol Nidre outside Metz 1870,” gift of Liselotte Eschenbach, more information on the object in our German-language online collection
© Jewish Museum Berlin, photo: Jens Ziehe

On 23 September of this year, we will celebrate Yom Kippur. As always on the eve of the Day of Atonement, synagogues will be overflowing with people anxiously waiting for the singing of Kol Nidre, a prayer (in form of a declaration) in Aramaic and Hebrew that implores God to forget “all vows, obligations, oaths or anathemas, pledges of all names, which we have vowed, sworn, devoted, or bound ourselves to,” either from the past year or for the year to come. This somewhat surprising imploration has caused many prominent Jewish thinkers to question the prayer’s validity. (more…)