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Bring Your Swim Trunks

A new tour is on offer at the Jewish museum for people with dementia

Photo of the dance scene described in the text, in the background a canvas with beach photo

Dancing to hit songs from 1951. People with dementia still remember old songs; Jewish Museum Berlin, photo: Jule Roehr

Colleagues and friends reacted with shock and surprise, but also great interest when I told them about my project: as a research trainee in the education department, I was given the task of developing programming for Jewish Museum visitors with dementia.

I was very excited once the project concept had been finalized and we were ready to test it. We invited a group from an eldercare center. (more…)

A New World

Showtime for the Summer Children’s Program at the Jewish Museum Berlin

Friday was showtime at the museum: the children in the summer break program had their big debut, presenting their plays and animated films. The whole week they had developed and rehearsed them, built sets, filmed, and added sound tracks. Everything was focused around the theme: What would a new, better world be like?

Die neue Welt und der Luchs (The New World and the Lynx) is one of the animated films shot as part of this year’s summer holiday programme.


Fingers instead of money?

News from the Summer Children’s Program at the Jewish Museum Berlin

Nearly a dozen children are sitting and lying in a circle with an adult. In the middle is a poster with "family" written on it.

Questions about a new world: “Will I have a family?”; Jewish Museum Berlin, photo: Jule Roehr

“We should be able to pay with our ten fingers. Then everyone would have the same amount.” Marie* (8 years old) enthusiastically promoted her idea for a better world: “That would be fair!” Luca (10) wasn’t so convinced: “How am I supposed to buy bread with my fingers?”

The 2018 Summer Children’s Program at the Jewish Museum is focused on the question: what might a new, better world look like? The starting point is Noah’s ark, a symbol for new beginnings.

Two girls, the right one holding up a drawing of a creature labeled "Schweinefischili".

Animals in the new world: “Schweinefischili” (“Fishpiggy”); Jewish Museum Berlin, photo: Jule Roehr


Franziska Kahn, a philosopher who works with children, prompts them: “Let’s discuss what’s most important in a better world.” “Okay!” the children cry out and raise their hands. “Family, friends, animals”—in that exact order! (more…)