
Stiftung Jüdisches Museum Berlin
Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin
Represented by the Director, Hetty Berg

Concept and Editing
Mirjam Wenzel

Design and Production

Web Comic
Sascha Hommer
Jan-Frederik Bandel
Peter Bäder

Jill Denton
Wilf Moss

Editorial Assistance
Luise Bachmann, Navina Lara Reus, Gesine Tyradellis

With thanks to:
Ole Frahm, Dagmar Ganßloser, Henriette Kolb, Naomi Lubrich

The Stiftung Jüdisches Museum Berlin bears no liability for the content either of websites to which it refers by link on this website, or of websites which refer by link to this Museum.
The artists are solely responsible for the content of the webcomic.
Every effort has been made to contact and credit (other) copyright holders. If you have reason to believe an error or omission has been made, please notify the Stiftung Jüdisches Museum Berlin.
