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"Smallest Witnesses. The Crisis in Darfur Through Children's Eyes"

Drawing by Abd al-Rahman, Age 13 - © 2005 Human Rights Watch
Abd al-Rahman, Age 13:
"I am herding the sheep in Wadi. Suddenly I see the Janjaweed militia coming - they are approaching fast on horses and camels and have Kalashnikovs. They are shooting and shouting 'Kill the slaves, kill the blacks.' They killed many men. They chased the children and took some of them away. We never saw them again. Then the planes came and bombarded our village."
© 2005 Human Rights Watch

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Darfur Week

All events

March 15, 2007

March 16, 200

March 17, 2007
Reports from Darfur

March 18, 2007

March 19, 2007
Student Programs

March 20, 2007
