steamroller for the clearing of Hametz, detail

Steamroller-Tractor for the clearing of Hametz (leaven), Avi Biran, Jerusalem 2008 © Jewish Museum Berlin

steamroller for the clearing of Hametz, detail
steamroller for the clearing of Hametz, detail
steamroller for the clearing of Hametz, detail
steamroller for the clearing of Hametz, detail
steamroller for the clearing of Hametz, detail
steamroller for the clearing of Hametz, detail
steamroller for the clearing of Hametz, detail


No leaven (hametz) may be eaten during the Passover festival. The festival is preceded by a ritual in which the house is searched for leaven. The leavened food may be burned or sold to non-Jews and repurchased after the holiday week.

Steamroller-Tractor for the clearing of Hametz (leaven)

The search for leaven is conducted with a feather and candle. This artistic interpretation of the ritual symbolically ensures the crushing of all unfound leaven into the soil.
