Impressum der Website

The Glass Courtyard of the Jewish Museum Berlin
The Glass Courtyard of the Jewish Museum Berlin, shortly before its inauguration


Jewish Museum Berlin
Lindenstraße 9-14, 10969 Berlin
represented by director Hetty Berg

The Jewish Museum Berlin is subsidized by the Federal Government Commissioner for Cultural Affairs and the Media.

Finanzamt für Körperschaften III, Berlin
ID-Nr. DE 200 42 91 62


T +49 (0)30 259 93 300


The Stiftung Jewish Museum Berlin may not be held responsible for the contents of the pages linked to it nor for the contents of the pages it links to.

Should rights (also) lie with others, please inform the Stiftung Jewish Museum Berlin.

Editorial staff and realization

Dagmar Ganßloser
Etta Grotrian