- Bedřich Fritta, Three sketches: Landscape - Old People Sorting Garbage - Study of a Young Man, 1943/44
Ink, pen and pencil, 27,7 x 20,9 cm
© permanent loan to the Jewish Museum Berlin from the Fritta-Haas family, photo: Jens Ziehe
Sketches and Preparatory Drawings
As well as his large-scale works, Fritta's sketchbooks and many loose-leaf sketches from Theresienstadt have survived.
In his sketches, Fritta captured instantaneous impressions, experimented with drawing techniques, and transformed what he saw into ideas for finished drawings. The sketches show how carefully the artist composed his illegal creations, despite the life-threatening conditions around him. They contain the germ of the aesthetic processes that characterize Fritta's way of working and that are explored in this exhibition.

- Bedřich Fritta, Vaudeville Theater, 1943/44
Pen and ink, 44 x 30 cm
© permanent loan to the Jewish Museum Berlin from the Fritta-Haas family, photo: Jens Ziehe

- Bedřich Fritta, Vaudeville Theater, 1943/44
Pen and ink, wash, 38,9 x 27,5 cm
© permanent loan to the Jewish Museum Berlin from the Fritta-Haas family, photo: Jens Ziehe

- Bedřich Fritta, Vaudeville Theater, 1943/44
Pen and ink, wash, 24,1 x 34,8 cm
© permanent loan to the Jewish Museum Berlin from the Fritta-Haas family, photo: Jens Ziehe

- Bedřich Fritta, Infirmary in a Cinema, 1943/44
Pen and ink, 14,3 x 19,4 cm
© permanent loan to the Jewish Museum Berlin from the Fritta-Haas family, photo: Jens Ziehe

- Bedřich Fritta, Three sketches: Inside a Barracks - Carrying Away the Corpses - Clearing the Sudeten Barracks, 1943/44
Pen and ink, 27,5 x 39 cm
© permanent loan to the Jewish Museum Berlin from the Fritta-Haas family, photo: Jens Ziehe

- Bedřich Fritta, Studies: House of Cards - Collapsing Cards, 1943/44
Pen and ink, 39 x 27,8 cm
© permanent loan to the Jewish Museum Berlin from the Fritta-Haas family, photo: Jens Ziehe

- Bedřich Fritta, Two sketches: House of Cards with Globe - Collapsed Cards with Exploding Globe, 1943/44
Pen and ink, 22 x 30 cm
© permanent loan to the Jewish Museum Berlin from the Fritta-Haas family, photo: Jens Ziehe

- Bedřich Fritta, Two studies: Human Skeleton - Prayer Room and Theater, 1943/44
Pen and ink, 27,7 x 20,9 cm
© permanent loan to the Jewish Museum Berlin from the Fritta-Haas family, photo: Jens Ziehe

- Bedřich Fritta, Three People in front of a Fortress Wall, 1943/44
Pen and ink, 14,3 x 20 cm
© permanent loan to the Jewish Museum Berlin from the Fritta-Haas family, photo: Jens Ziehe

- Bedřich Fritta, Sketches: Six Heads - The Life of a Privileged Detainee - Carrying Away the Corpses, 1943/44
Pen and ink, 41,5 x 28,2 cm
© permanent loan to the Jewish Museum Berlin from the Fritta-Haas family, photo: Jens Ziehe

- Bedřich Fritta, Studies of Figures from a Transport, 1942/44
Pen and ink, 20,3 x 29,1 cm
© permanent loan to the Jewish Museum Berlin from the Fritta-Haas family, photo: Jens Ziehe

- Bedřich Fritta, Two studies: Tower of Death - Vultures in Theresienstadt, 1943/44
Pen and ink, 21 x 29 cm
© permanent loan to the Jewish Museum Berlin from the Fritta-Haas family, photo: Jens Ziehe

- Bedřich Fritta, The Merry-go-round of Death, 1943/44
Pen and ink, 29,2 x 21 cm
© permanent loan to the Jewish Museum Berlin from the Fritta-Haas family, photo: Jens Ziehe

- Bedřich Fritta, Three sketches: Group in front of Buildings - Fencing and Water Tower - Fencing and Buildings, 1943/44
Pen and ink, 44 x 30 cm
© permanent loan to the Jewish Museum Berlin from the Fritta-Haas family, photo: Jens Ziehe

- Bedřich Fritta, Wedding, 1943/44
Black chalk, 29,2 x 20,4 cm
© permanent loan to the Jewish Museum Berlin from the Fritta-Haas family, photo: Jens Ziehe

- Bedřich Fritta, Portrait of an Old Woman, 1943/44
Pen and sepia, 20 x 18,05 cm
© permanent loan to the Jewish Museum Berlin from the Fritta-Haas family, photo: Jens Ziehe

- Bedřich Fritta, Rest: Figures Seated under a Tree, 1943/44
Brush and ink, 24,8 x 38,8 cm
© permanent loan to the Jewish Museum Berlin from the Fritta-Haas family, photo: Jens Ziehe

- Bedřich Fritta, Three People Resting, 1943
Pencil, watercolor, 10 x 13,5 cm
© permanent loan to the Jewish Museum Berlin from the Fritta-Haas family, photo: Jens Ziehe

- Bedřich Fritta, Three studies, 1943/44
Brush and ink, 22 x 30 cm
© permanent loan to the Jewish Museum Berlin from the Fritta-Haas family, photo: Jens Ziehe

- Bedřich Fritta, Two studies: Theresienstadt by Night - Food Line, 1943/44
Pen and ink, wash, 44 x 30 cm
© permanent loan to the Jewish Museum Berlin from the Fritta-Haas family, photo: Jens Ziehe

- Bedřich Fritta, Barracks Yard, 1943/44
Scratched crayon, 23 x 12,5 cm
© permanent loan to the Jewish Museum Berlin from the Fritta-Haas family, photo: Jens Ziehe

- Bedřich Fritta, Facades for the International Commission (or, Theresianstadt is civilianized, autumn 1942), 1943/44
Crayon, 22 x 30 cm
© permanent loan to the Jewish Museum Berlin from the Fritta-Haas family, photo: Jens Ziehe

- Bedřich Fritta, Transport Departing, 1943
Black chalk, watercolor, 10 x 13,5 cm
© permanent loan to the Jewish Museum Berlin from the Fritta-Haas family, photo: Jens Ziehe

- Bedřich Fritta, Four sketches: Transport with Guards - Bakery - Two Heads - Crowd, 1943/44
Pencil and red ink, wash, 20,6 x 28,7 cm
© permanent loan to the Jewish Museum Berlin from the Fritta-Haas family, photo: Jens Ziehe

- Bedřich Fritta, Gardens at the Theresienstadt Bakery, 1943
Pencil, watercolor, 10 x 13,5 cm
© permanent loan to the Jewish Museum Berlin from the Fritta-Haas family, photo: Jens Ziehe

- Bedřich Fritta, Three Men Hauling Meat, 1943
Pencil, black chalk, watercolor, 10 x 13,5 cm
© permanent loan to the Jewish Museum Berlin from the Fritta-Haas family, photo: Jens Ziehe