Jewish Museum Berlin
Lindenstraße 9-14, 10969 Berlin
represented by director Hetty Berg
The Jewish Museum Berlin is subsidized by the Federal Government Commissioner for Cultural Affairs and the Media.
Finanzamt für Körperschaften III, Berlin
id-number DE 200 42 91 62
T +49 (0)30 259 93 300
An exhibition by the Jewish Museum Berlin and the Jewish Museum Vienna
20 March to 3 August 2008
26 September 2008 to 18 January 2009
7 February to 21 June 2009
Foundation Jewish Museum Berlin
Cilly Kugelmann (JMB)
Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek (JMW)
Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek, Chefkuratorin JMW
Hannes Sulzenbacher
Miriam Goldmann
Thorsten Beck
Antonia Thiemann
Gioia Karnagel
Helen Bunte
Cilly Kugelmann
Thorsten Beck
Inka Bertz
Iris Blochel-Dittrich,
Miriam Goldmann
Maren Krüger
Mirjam Wenzel
Helmuth F. Braun
Stefan Angerer
Kristin Ganahl
Architekt Martin Kohlbauer
Rainer Kaufmann
Bijan Dawallu, Aroma Gbr, Berlin
Mathias Volz, Stefano Vidé, Paul Dollar
Bruno Dorn, devatar GbR
Hertzer GmbH
Wolfgang Matzat
Markus Mielke GmbH
Paul Göschel, Pontonero-light
Christian Schubert, fk-media
Thomas Buck
Dieter Sachse
Team Thomas Fißler
Adam Blauhut
Allison Brown
Penny Motley
Maren Steinhoff
Gisela Märtz
Katrin Strube
Lothar Brokof
Barbara Decker
Papieratelier Gemma Caney
twist Textil- und Lederrestaurierung
Peter Dallmann
GFI Elektro, Werner Skibbe
Fa. Leitwerk, Jens Eisenberg
Jens Ziehe
Iris Blochel-Dittrich, Franziska Bogdanov (database management); Theresia Lutz, Christiane Rütz (photographic management); Gerhard Stahr, Hartmut Götze (copyright); Gesine Gerhardt (marketing); Tanja Groenke, Nina Ritz (educational work); Eva Söderman, Melanie von Plocki (press and public relations); Dagmar Ganßloser, Etta Grotrian, Lukas Imhof (website); Christiane Birkert, Anja Löffler (visitor research); Jürgen Thuns (IT); Ulrike Sonnemann, Ernst Wittmann (library); Bärbel Hagel, Odett Bütow (accounting)
Subsidized by the Federal Government Commisioner for Cultural Affairs and the Media.
The Foundation Jewish Museum Berlin The Foundation Jewish Museum Berlin may not be held responsible for the contents of the pages linked to it nor for the contents of the pages it links to.
Should rights (also) lie with others, please inform the Foundation Jewish Museum Berlin.
The Jewish Museum thanks its Sponsors