Edited by Cilly Kugelmann
(German language edition only)
132 pages, hardcover
over 80 color illustrations
19.90 euros
The bookstore edition is published by Nicolai Publishers, Berlin
About the Book
Christmas and Hanukkah are celebrated throughout the world in December - with gingerbread or latkes, between tradition, commerce, and family celebration, with a profession of one's religious beliefs or political message. This book examines the history of these holidays that recall the birth of Jesus and the rededication of the Temple, respectively, more than two thousand years ago. The authors investigate the holidays' origins, their rituals and customs, and search out the cultural interrelations between both traditions.
Surprising and amusing, through kitsch and art, this book illustrates religious and secular aspects, and offer an insight into the rich and diverse developments of the popular Christian and Jewish holidays.
List of the Exhibits as a pdf (3,8 MB)
(German language edition only)
Janine Lehmann
Tel: +49 (0)30 259 93 410
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