A Look at the Exhibition
Showcase at the exhibition "Chrismukkah. Stories of Christmas and Hanukkah

All over the world, during the winter season the Christmas and Hanukkah holidays are celebrated - with gingerbread or latkes, with avowals of religion, contemplative spirit or political messages.

Christmas and Hanukkah have quite a lot in common: Candles are lit at both festivals to brighten up the dark season; both festivals fall on the 25th day of a month - Christmas on 25 December and Hanukkah on 25 Kislew, the ninth month of the Jewish calendar; and both are still traditional, family celebrations which have become festivals of consumerism.

"Chrismukkah" is an ironic term referring to the mingling of the traditions of Christmas and Hanukkah. Taking the example of Chrismukkah, we demonstrate how social, political, and economic changes have led to new customs and how commercialization and secularization in the modern world have created similarities between the two festivals, albeit superficial ones.

alternative Navigation Figure of the Christ child from Mecheln, around 1500, Copyright: Kolumba Diozoesanmuseum Cologne To the second room of the exhibition: the historical roots of Hanukkah To the third room of the exhibition: of the birth of a god and baby cribs: the beginnings of  Christmas To the fourth room of the exhibition: how the main holiday rituals originated and what they mean Light the Hanukkah candles in the right order To the fifth room of the exhibition: Hanukkah and the struggle against oppression To the sixth room of the exhibition: Christmas celebrations throughout the ages To the seventh room of the exhibition: Chrismukkah - or: how holidays unite