The Creation of the World

Exhibition Catalog

The catalog of the exhibition The Creation of the World: Illustrated Manuscripts from the Braginsky Collection offers a fascinating panorama of Jewish written culture and Jewish life spanning eight centuries.

In numerous texts and illustrations, the catalog introduces a great variety of items from the Braginsky Collection, including printed books, handwritten manuscripts, ketubbot (marriage contracts), and megillot (scrolls of the Book of Esther). Additional texts recount the history of books and profile outstanding book artists such as Aaron Wolf Herlingen and Charlotte Rothschild. The catalog also focuses on the institutions and people essential for Jewish written culture, including the Jewish communities, scholars of religious law, and the family.


  • Schöne Seiten. Jüdische Schriftkultur
    aus der Braginsky Collection

    336 pages with over 200 color illustrations,
    Verlag Scheidegger & Spiess
    Zürich 2011

    ISBN: 978-3-85881-332-9

  • Editors

    Emile Schrijver, Falk Wiesemann u. a.

  • Contributing Writers

    Evelyn M. Cohen, Elka Deitsch, Gabriel M. Goldstein,
    Sharon Liberman Mintz, Shalom Sabar,
    Menahem Schmelzer, Emile Schrijver und
    Falk Wiesemann, Vorwort von René Braginsky,
    Photographs by Ardon Bar-Hama

  • Design

    studio frederik de wal

  • Price

    45 euros

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