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A written notebook in the shape of a heart.

Donating Objects

We Are Looking for Photographs, Documents, Film Clips, Art, Judaica, and Objects from Material Culture

Bequests and memorabilia from Jewish families in Germany are a focus of our collections. The Jewish Museum Berlin receives these objects as generous donations from people around the world. The museum is always grateful for offers of new donations that will extend our collections for future exhibits and advance research projects.

Specialist and Gray Literature on Jewish Art

For our Library, we are also looking for publications from German-speaking territories on all areas of Jewish art, as well as exhibition catalogs and inventories of Jewish museums and galleries from around the world.

One focus is our collection of gray literature, such as brochures, flyers, and exhibition booklets published by museums, galleries, and other institutions, as well as documents from academic settings.


Aubrey Pomerance
Head of Archives/Leo Baeck Institute
T +49 (0)30 259 93 556


Jewish Museum Berlin
Lindenstraße 9–14
10969 Berlin

Pink flowering trees in the garden of the museum.

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Donating Part of One’s Estate: Design innovative programs together with the JMB
Current page: Donating Objects: Help the museum tell another facet of German-Jewish history
Prize for Understanding and Tolerance: Every year, the JMB and the FRIENDS honor exceptional individuals for their engagement

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