Guided Tours
... and Workshops
You can book tours on various topics as a group or book a public tour. Dates, topics and information on booking and participation can be found on this page.
Tours and workshops for school groups can be found on a separate page of our website.
All our offers can be booked for refugee groups free of charge. We offer reduced prices for individuals who are entitled to a reduction.
Public Tours: Current Dates and Topics of our Guided Tours (16)
Bookable Tours and Workshops: Tours for Adults (13)
Guided Tours: Access Program (8)

Accessibility at the Jewish Museum Berlin: An overview
- General Information
- Accessibility at the Jewish Museum Berlin: Directions, visiting the museum, audience-specific
- Simple English: Information about the Jewish Museum Berlin and its website in Simple English
- Gebärdensprache – Informationen und Angebote in Deutscher Gebärdensprache
- Accessibility Statement: Information on areas in which accessibility is still lacking, options for giving feedback, and the arbitration service
- Tours & Workshops
- JMB App: Including audio tours, German plain language, German Sign Language, optimized for screen readers, features touching instructions for tactile paintings, and audio texts for reading along
- Access Program Tours by appointment and with fixed dates
You would like to book a tour? In our FAQs, we answer all the important questions about our tours.
Information and reservation for groups
We are reachable Mon–Fri, 10 am–4 pm.
T +49 (0)30 259 93 305