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Disposable Eyes

Publication accompanying the exhibition

This book unites the two photo projects shown at the exhibition.

Read from one end, it introduces the Promised Land project by Suzanna Lauterbach, who distributed disposable cameras to randomly selected people in Israel and asked them to take photos of subjects they saw as embodying the Promised Land. Reading the book from the other end, one encounters the friendships that resulted from the Pen Pal project by Eytan Shouker and Eldad Cidor, who convinced their Palestinian and Israeli participants to take a chance on a friendship with the presumed “enemy.”

Cover of the catalog for the exhibition “EinmalBlicke/Disposable Eyes”. It shows a disposable camera in plastic foil with a photo of Jerusalem’s Old City printed on its housing.


  • EinmalBlicke/Disposable Eyes.
    Pen-Pal Project und Promised Land

    110 pages with over 80 illustrations,
    Studio Shouker-Cidor
    Israel 2002

    ISBN: 3-9808646-0-X

  • Editor

    Jewish Museum Berlin

  • Contributing Writers

    Eldad Cidor, Suzanna Lauterbach, Eytan Shouker

  • Translations

    Nic Grindell, Evi Hershcovitz, Nidal Jayousi,
    Almuth Lessing, Susanna Raveh

  • Design

    Sharif Waked

  • Price

    5 €

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Exhibition Disposable Eyes

Exhibition Webpage
Disposable Eyes: 25 Oct 2002 to 26 Jan 2003
Current page: EinmalBlicke/Disposable Eyes. Pen-Pal Project und Promised Land: 2002, bilingual in German and English

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