Michael Kerstgens:
New Life: Russians Jews Germans
Exhibition Catalog
This book concludes photographer Michael Kerstgens’ long-running project on Jewish life in Germany. The point of departure for his documentation in this volume is the period of reorientation of Jewish life in Germany following reunification and the collapse of the Soviet Union. Beginning in 1990, thousands of Kontingentflüchtlinge, or Jewish “contingent refugees,” flocked to Germany from Russia and other post-Soviet states. Their work revolves around social life in Jewish communities and all the religious and social challenges these people face. The book closes with recent updates on Jewish families that Kerstgens photographed in the early 1990s.
- Neues Leben. Russen Juden Deutsche
(New Life. Russians Jews Germans)
136 pages, 121 duotone illustrations
Kehrer Publishing
Heidelberg and Berlin 2012
ISBN: 978-3-86828-277-1
In German only - Editors Hanno Loewy, Wolfgang Büscher and others
- Contributing Writers Wolfgang Büscher, Michael Kerstgens, Hanno Loewy,
Pjotr Olev, Theresia Ziehe - Design Studio GOOD
- Price 29.90 €
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