Deadly Medicine:
Creating the Master Race
Exhibition Catalog
Beginning with an essay on racial hygiene as a leading science of the Nazi regime, the book covers forced sterilization, the Kinderfachabteilungen (Special Children’s Sections), the T4 campaign – the mass murder of the sick that is seen as the precursor to the genocide of European Jews – and the decentralized murder of the sick in the later stages of the war.
The volume uses of recently discovered documents, letters, and photos to recount the fates of families whose children were victims to Nazi “euthanasia” and of others who were unable to escape forced sterilization. The book also considers the lives of the perpetrators: the doctors, nurses, and accomplices who were part of a system that sought to legitimize murder, most of whom were able to continue their careers after the war.
- Tödliche Medizin. Rassenwahn im Nationalsozialismus
(Deadly Medicine: Creating the Master Race)
136 pages with approximatley 60 illustrations (mostly in color)
Wallstein Publishing House
Göttingen 2009
ISBN: 978-3-8353-0468-0
In German only - Editor Jewish Museum Berlin
- Contributing Writers Gerhard Baader, Thomas Beddies, Susanne Doetz, Cilly Kugelmann und Margret Kampmeyer, Wolfgang Rose, Hans-Walter Schmuhl
- Design Eggers & Diaper
- Price 16.90 euros
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