Clichés about Jews and Others
Exhibition Catalog
In three essays with over 150 illustrations, this catalog accompanying the eponymous exhibition examines clichés and prejudices and presents a vibrant explanation of where stereotypes come from, what function they serve, and how politics and art can break them down.
- typisch! Klischees von Juden und Anderen
(Typical! Clichés about Jews and Others)
144 pages with approximately 160 color illustrations
Nicolai Publishing House
Berlin 2008
ISBN: 978-3-89479-479-8
In German only - Editors Jewish Museum Berlin and Jewish Museum Vienna
- Contributing Writers Isolde Charim, Detlev Claussen, Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek und Hannes Sulzenbacher, Darryl Pinckney, Karl Albrecht-Weinberger and Cilly Kugelmann
- Translation Michael Ebmeyer
- Design sans serif
- Price 24.90 €
You can order this publication from a bookstore, or from the museum by contacting
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