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on.tour Pays a Visit to the Plötzensee Juvenile Detention Center


Are young people living in juvenile detention centers interested in the Jewish Museum Berlin? on.tour wanted to find out and talked to them.

In August 2008, the Jewish Museum Berlin held its first project week at the Plötzensee Juvenile Detention Center in Berlin. The objective of the on.tour visit was to reach young people in Germany who are unable to visit a museum. The project week aimed to generate interest in both the Jewish Museum Berlin and the history of Jews in Germany.

All of the participants found the encounter and the collaboration between the detention center and the museum to be an enriching experience. The on.tour mobile education team has since visited the young people at the Plötzensee Juvenile Detention Center every year.

In September 2016, the on.tour team once again visited the young people at the Plötzensee and Neustrelitz detention centers. Read our related blog post on the visit

Two men sitting on a red cube, their backs and backs of their heads facing the camera.

on.tour at the Plötzensee Juvenile Detention Center; Jewish Museum Berlin, photo: Sönke Tollkühn.

Post about on.tour’s first visit to the Plötzensee juvenile offenders’ institution.

Article by Maja Lenhardt, published in the 2009–10 JMB Journal, issue 1:

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