“For the Pampered Audience”
From the Series Testimonies from the Jewish Museum Berlin (in German)
In its heyday between 1870 and the First World War, the luxury paper industry produced an abundance of items “for the pampered audience.” Decorated place cards from personal estates, nostalgic paper cutouts depicting Jewish customs and festivals in lavishly printed color, and extravagantly embossed, stamped, mounted, and folded greeting cards offer us many insights into a time when filigree stationary was seen as a sign of cultural progress.
- Fürs verwöhnte Publikum. Von Neujahrsgrüßen und anderen Kostbarkeiten aus Papier
(“For the Pampered Audience” from the Series Testimonies from the Jewish Museum Berlin)
120 pages with over 60 color illustrations
Köln 2003
ISBN: 978-3-8321-7864-3
in German only - Editor Iris Blochel-Dittrich
for the Jewish Museum Berlin - Design Groothuis, Lohfert, Consorten
- Price 5 €
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Book Series: Zeitzeugnisse (Testimonies) from the Jewish Museum Berlin (7)