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Educational Program and Guided Tours in March and Aprrl 2011

Press Information

Press Release, Fri 4 Feb 2011

The Jewish festivals Purim and Passover are the focus of the children’s program this spring. In a children’s tour and handicraft workshop, our young visitors learn all about the traditions of the Purim festival and perform the story with finger puppets. On the children’s Passover tour "On Locusts and Other Plagues," our young visitors try their hand at baking their own mazzah bread in the historical wood-fired oven in the Museum Garden.

The public tour "Radical Jewish Culture" presents the New York music scene of the 1990s around the musician John Zorn. It will be part of the Sunday program from 10 April.


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Jewish Museum Berlin Foundation
Lindenstraße 9–14
10969 Berlin

Guided Tours for Adults

The following tours will take place in the months of March and April:


11am Jewish Life and Traditions

3 pm Through the Museum in Seven League Boots


11am Jewish Life and Traditions

2 pm Radical Jewish Culture. Tour through the special exhibition (from 10. April)

3 pm Through the Museum in Seven League Boots


6 pm Through the Museum in Seven League Boots

Public tour through the special exhibition "Radical Jewish Culture"

The tour through the special exhibition presents the New York music scene around the musician John Zorn in the 90s. Music samples and documents from the musicians’ private archives allow insight into the music creation processes and discussions about how music by Jewish artists is different.

When: Always Sundays at 2pm (from 10 April)

The following applies to public tours for adults:

Duration: approx. 1 hour

Price: 3 € plus admission fee

(Permanent exhibition: 5 €, reduced rate 2.50 euros

Special exhibition: 4 €, reduced rate 2 euros)

Please gather at the Meeting Point on ground level of the Old Building.

Further information and tour bookings (for non-journalists) on tel. +49 (0)30 25 993 305 or

Public Tours for Children

Halakah and Braided Bread – What goes into the Shabbat Basket?

Children’s Tour through the Permanent Exhibition

How did a Jewish merchant live 300 years ago? What did she pack in her suitcase when she went traveling? A prayer book, clothes, or even a mobile phone? On this stroll through the exhibition, our very young visitors look at Jewish traditions and how they have changed in the course of the centuries. They have fun experiencing how it feels to wear a kippah, admire a real scroll, and sniff a besamim box full of spices.

When: 6 March 2011 and 3 April 2011, 11am

Duration: approx. 1 hour

The Crazy Crooked House. Daniel Libeskind For Children

The following applies to all public tours for children:

Price: 3 € including admission and handicraft materials

Please gather at the "Meeting Point" in the foyer on ground level of the Libeskind Building.

Further information and bookings (for non-journalists) on tel. +49 (0)30 25 993 305 or

Vacation Program at the Jewish Museum Berlin

Esther – Queen and Savior

Children’s Tour and Handicraft Workshop on Purim

The beautiful Jew Esther marries the Persian king so that she can protect her people, the Jews, from evil Haman.

On the children’s tour, our young visitors learn about the story and customs of the Purim festival – like when children are allowed to make a noise with their Purim gragger according to Jewish tradition. Afterwards finger puppets are made and the Purim story performed. Since dressing up is a Purim tradition, costumes are welcome!

When: 20 and 27 March 2011, 11am

Appointments for kindergarten and school groups will be available from 21 March to 1 April 2011.

On Locusts and Other Plagues

Passover Children’s Tour

On this tour, our small visitors learn about the customs surrounding the Passover festival and bake their own mazzah bread in the traditional wood-fired oven in the Museum Garden.

When: 23 and 24 April 2011, 11am

Appointments for kindergarten and school groups will be available from 4 to 29 April 2011.

The following applies to all vacation tours for children:

Duration: 2 hours

Cost: 3 euros

Age: 5 to 11 years

Further information and bookings (for non-journalists) on tel. +49 (0)30 25 993 305 or

Education Program

Ali‘nin gizemli yolu / Alis wunderbarer Weg (Ali’s wonderful path)

Reading and Tour for Children from 5 to 9 Years in German or Turkish

A story from an oriental country for children all over the world – "Ali’s wonderful path"by Shlomit B. Tulgan blends a child’s search for God with the mystery of reading.

Wall projections of fairytale illustrations complement the reading.

Ali’s search for God is further explored on a stroll through the exhibition. Does God live in God’s house? When do people feel particularly close to God? Why do we celebrate religious festivals?

The program can be held in both languages on request.

When: by appointment

Duration: 90 minutes

Cost: 3 euros

Bookings (for non-journalists) on tel. +49 (0)30 25 993 305 or

Training Courses for Teachers and Educators

Jewish Life after 1945

What does "kosher" mean? May a Jew light candles on the Shabbat? A tour on "Jewish Life and Traditions" shows how religion and daily life are inextricably entwined. How was it to grow up as a Jew in Germany after 1945? The segment in the permanent exhibition entitled "It was as Simple as That" brings alive moments of Jewish childhood and youth up to the 1990s through snapshots, audio material, and photographs.

When: 10 March 2011, 2 pm

Women in Judaism

Selected biographies and exhibits illustrate the role of women in Judaism on this interactive tour. Alongside cultural history, the current internal Jewish debate engendered by modern feminist groups such as Bet Debora is also explored.

Knowledge of specific themes can be deepened through multimedia stories at the Rafael Roth Learning Center. For example didactic materials on Glikl of Hamelin are evaluated and discussed: Was this female trader a modern lady in early modern times? What was a Jewish woman’s daily life like?

When: 5 April 2011, 2 pm

The following applies to all training courses:

Duration: 4 hours

Cost: 5 euros

Binding registration (for non-journalists) up to 7 days before the event on tel. +49 (0)30 25 993 359 or

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