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Events in December 2011

Press Invitation

Press Release, Wed 9 Nov 2011

We cordially invite you to these cultural events in December:

Program Surrounding the Special Exhibition "How German is it?"

Monday Movies

"Wir haben vergessen zurückzukehren" (We forgot to turn back)

Documentary by Fatih Akin

(D 2001, 60 mins, German)

In his first documentary film, Fatih Akin tells the classic immigrant story of his family. His father came as a migrant worker from Turkey to Germany in 1965, stayed here – contrary to the original plan – and started a family. Akin interviewed numerous people from his family’s environment and paints a complex picture of German-Turkish life.

When: Monday 5 December at 7.30 pm

Unsere Vertreibung 1968 (Our expulsion, 1968)

Documentary by Lidia Drozdzynski

(D 2008, 45 mins, German)

Polish Jews have been expelled from their home in their thousands since 1968. The government had attempted to divert the population’s outrage about the severe political and economic problems with an antisemitic campaign. Lidia Drozdzynski’s documentary goes on a very personal search for traces.

When: Monday 12 December at 7.30 pm

The following applies to all events in the Monday Movies series:

Where: Auditorium on ground level

Admission free with seat ticket only (available at the cash desk).

Ticket reservation (for non-journalists) on tel +49 (0)30 25993 488 or


Press office
T +49 (0)30 259 93 419


Jewish Museum Berlin Foundation
Lindenstraße 9–14
10969 Berlin

Cultural Program

Jewish Choral Music in the Glass Courtyard: Zamir Chorale of Boston

The Zamir Chorale of Boston is paying its first visit to Berlin, its baggage filled with a broad repertoire of music spanning thousands of years – pieces by American composers born in Germany, music by Louis Lewandowski and Hanukkah songs. The founder and director of the Zamir Chorale, Joshua Jacobson, is one of the recognized greats of Jewish choral music. He enriches the performances of his choir with narratives on the program.

A cooperation with the Louis Lewandowski Festival.

When: Saturday 17 December at 7 pm

Where: Glass Courtyard

Admission: 10 €, reduced rate 8 euros

Bookings (for non-journalists) to

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