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Jewish Museum Berlin Still a Visitor Magnet in its 10th Jubilee Year

Press Information

Press Release, Mon 9 Jan 2012

In its tenth year of existence, the Jewish Museum Berlin has secured its place among Berlin’s most frequented museums: Around 2,000 visitors make their way to the Libeskind Building in Lindenstrasse every day and nearly 7.5 million people have visited the museum since it opened in 2001.

Last year, 722,000 visitors made use of the services the Jewish Museum Berlin offers. Compared to record year 2010 with 762,000 visitors, a 5 % decline was observed. There are however other record figures to report: The museum welcomed nearly 25,000 visitors to the 102 events during the anniversary week. On Public Day alone, 6,736 people visited the museum making it the day with the most visitors last year.


Press office
T +49 (0)30 259 93 419


Jewish Museum Berlin Foundation
Lindenstraße 9–14
10969 Berlin

As in previous years, the summer months saw the highest visitor numbers, July (81,000) and August (79,000), making it the record July since the museum opened. Declines were recorded compared to 2010 primarily in the first half of the year, in particular the months of February, March, and May.

The average age of visitors remains remarkably young for a historical museum with over 30 % under 30s and the majority of under 18s visiting with their school class. Since 2007, the museum has been visiting schools nationwide with the mobile exhibition "on.tour" so that young people from outside Berlin can experience what the museum is all about. Approximately 40,000 young people had taken part in this "outreach" program by the end of 2011.

A special feature of the Jewish Museum’s visitors is the high proportion of those visiting for the first time (86 % in 2011). Of the museum’s visitors, 87 % are tourists, two thirds of them from abroad. "Good" to "very good" remains how 94 % rate their visit to the museum.

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