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Personnel Announcement: Börries von Notz will leave the Jewish Museum Berlin

Press Information

Press Release, Fri 20 Sep 2013

Managing Director Börries von Notz (40) will leave the Jewish Museum Berlin on 31 January 2014. From 1 February 2014 he will take over the management of the Stiftung Historische Museen Hamburg (Historic Museums Hamburg Foundation). He was appointed sole member of the Executive Board of the Stiftung Historische Museen Hamburg. He will take over from Helmut Sander who will retire.


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Lindenstraße 9–14
10969 Berlin

"Börries von Notz has managed the Jewish Museum Berlin reliably, respectably and with great success. As Managing Director he was instrumental in shaping and developing the structures of the museum further. He has been an esteemed and well-liked colleague of ours. I accept his decision to take up a new challenge after the more than five years he spent working at the museum. For this new endeavor and his personal future I wish him success and the best of luck", W. Michael Blumenthal, Director of the Jewish Museum Berlin, comments von Notz’s decision to work in Hamburg.

Börries von Notz states: "It was an exciting and stimulating time at the Jewish Museum Berlin. Our success was possible because I had an impressive team behind me that was committed to doing museum work with passion and competence. I am proud to have been involved in the management of this museum for five years. Until my leaving date on 31 January 2014, I will continue to dedicate all my energies to the Jewish Museum Berlin and I will also remain closely linked to the house in the future."

Born in Mölln, Duchy of Lauenburg, Börries von Notz grew up in Frankfurt/Main. He studied Law and Political Science and was admitted to the legal profession in 2004. Börries von Notz worked as a lawyer for various cultural institutions, associations and creative artists. In 2008 he took over his current position at the Jewish Museum Berlin.

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