Academy Program on Migration and Diversity
Thematic Focus of the W. Michael Blumenthal Academy, 2012–20
Until 2020, a thematic focus of our Academy programs was exploring migration and diversity. Though Germany is home to first- and second-generation immigrants from 194 countries, it has only recently begun to view itself as a country of immigration. In this regard, Germany is quite different from countries, like the US and Canada, whose longtime engagement with immigration has given them extensive experience in dealing with inequality and discrimination. Our Academy’s program on migration and diversity are particularly concerned with finding ways to apply that experience to the German context.

W. M. Blumenthal Academy
Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 1, 10969 Berlin
Postal address: Lindenstraße 9-14, 10969 Berlin
Events for Experts and the Public
Toward this end, we give experts the opportunity to exchange ideas on innovative approaches to migration research and offer them a platform to present their perspectives to a wider public.
The History of Migration to Germany
Understanding the history of migration to Germany is another priority for the program on migration and diversity. How did migrants come to both West and East Germany? What living conditions did they find? What were their experiences and how did these experiences shape later generations? By raising such questions, the Academy aims to ingrain migration history into the public's historical consciousness.
Interview Series: New German Stories (12)
Event Series: New German Stories (4)