Noah’s Ark ArtLab & Noah’s Ark Radio Play
Five-day summer vacation workshops at the Jewish Museum Berlin

One year before the opening of the children's museum ANOHA, which is all about Noah’s Ark, the 2019 JMB summer holiday program was already inspired by this famous story with creative five-day vacation workshops for childred aged 9 to 12 years.
Past event

W. M. Blumenthal Academy, Workshop
Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 1, 10969 Berlin
(Opposite the Museum)
Noah’s Ark ArtLab
Where and how would we live if we could or had to start over? At sea, on land, or in the air? In a tree house, on a houseboat, or under water alongside perch and flounder? With climate change and resource conservation in mind, you develop your own ideas for new places to live. Collages and sculptures are created from recycled materials that we present to your parents and friends in an exhibition at the end of the week.

Part 1 of the Arche Noah Radioplay; Jewish Museum Berlin, 2019
(in German)
Noah’s Ark Radio Play
A submarine, a cruise ship or perhaps even a spaceship – how would Noah’s Ark look today? Who would be on board and where would it be heading? In a radio play, we reinterpret the history of Noah’s Ark. You will develop the script and enact it, produce sound effects and music, take charge of the recording technology and the editing. A radio play hearing with popcorn for your parents and friends will round off the event!
A cooperation with Jugend im Museum
Kindly supported by the Friends of the Jewish Museum Berlin

Part 2 of the Arche Noah Radioplay; Jewish Museum Berlin, 2019
(in German)