Hey There, Welcome!
Let Your Smartphone Guide You Through the Museum
In the Jewish Museum Berlin, we have offered a Museum guide over your smartphone since March of 2019. It’s called Ada. Using the messenging service WhatsApp, you can receive text messages, pictures, and audio clips relevant to our topics and exhibitions. Ada knows what there currently is to see in the Museum and guides you on your own personal tour.
What Are You in the Mood for?
The WhatsApp-Guide has several different tours ready for you. You can learn more about our current changing exhibitions on Jewish topics or get to know the distinguished architecture of Daniel Libeskind via a tour through the subterranean Axes. Or do you just feel like wandering? On this tour, Ada takes you outside into the Museum garden and escorts you in a half-circle around it. Besides our carefully planned garden, there are a few surprises awaiting you here.
Ada will send you entertaining short text messages, as well as photographs and audio clips. Listen to the architect Daniel Libeskind describe the connections between architecture and history. Or let history’s witnesses and Museum staff comment on what you see.
It's as Easy as This:
- 1. Enter Ada as a new contact in your smartphone:
- WhatsApp-Guide Ada Deutsch: +49 157 92 37 38 65
- WhatsApp-Guide Ada English: +49 157 92 36 84 90
- 2. Open WhatsApp and send a “hello” to Ada.
Enjoy your tour!
The WhatsApp-Guide was developed in cooperation with Hello!Guide.

Our WhatsApp-Guide escorts you through the museum with texts, pictures, and audio clips; Jewish Museum Berlin, Photo: Dominic Strieder