Why Noah Chose the Dove. Text © 1974 by Isaac Bashevis Singer. Illustrations © 1974 by Eric Carle. Used by permission of Farrar Straus and Giroux Books for Young Readers. All Rights Reserved.
Story Time in Our Library
Why Noah Chose the Dove by Isaac Bashevis Singer with Pictures by Eric Carle
When God decided to send the Great Flood, Noah and his family were to be saved. Noah built an ark, and all the animals gathered around the ship. Having heard that Noah would only rescue the best of them, they began competing with each other. Only the dove remained quiet.
The high school student Malka reads Isaac Bashevis Singer’s story, which is illustrated with pictures by Eric Carle.
You can find the German translation of the story and many more stories, read by Ulrike Sonnemann, on our German website.
Story Time
Malka reads Why Noah Chose the Dove. Text © 1974 by Isaac Bashevis Singer. Illustrations © 1974 by Eric Carle. Used by permission of Farrar Straus and Giroux Books for Young Readers. All Rights Reserved.
Ulrike Sonnemann and David Studniberg read Chanukkah-Büchlein (Little Book of Hanukkah) by Paul Hannemann and Heinz Wallenberg (in German and Hebrew) Take a closer look on the book! DFG-Viewer. Jewish Museum Berlin, 2020
Ulrike Sonnemann reads Der böse Gutsherr und die guten Tiere (The Story of Mrs Tubbs) by Hugh Lofting (in German) Take a closer look on the book! DFG-Viewer. Jewish Museum Berlin, 2020
Ulrike Sonnemann reads Fridolins Harlekinder (Fridolin's Harlequin Children) by My and illustrated by Walter Trier (in German) Take a closer look on the book! DFG-Viewer. Jewish Museum Berlin, 2020
Ulrike Sonnemann reads Evas Abenteuer (Eva's Adventures) by Hermine Hanel (in German) Take a closer look on the book! DFG-Viewer Jewish Museum Berlin, 2020
Ulrike Sonnemann reads Die Laubhütte im Himmel (The Sukkah in Heaven) by Ilse Herlinger (in German) Take a closer look on the book! DFG-Viewer. Jewish Museum Berlin, 2020