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Artist Talk with Inbal Pinto and Etgar Keret

About the video projection Outside (video recording available)

With Outside writer Etgar Keret and choreographer Inbal Pinto present a danced short story, full of whimsical detail and dystopian humor – their personal creative adventure in COVID-19 Land 2020/21. On five evenings of the second lockdown, the Jewish Museum Berlin is projecting the video on the façade of the closed Libeskind building between February 3 and 7. On day 1 of the installation, the artists will talk with Anita Haviv-Horiner about their collaboration.

recording available



Recording of the Deutsch-Israelischen Gesellschaft e.V. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bonn. You can also watch this video recording on Youtube.

In cooperation with the Deutsch-Israelischen Gesellschaft e.V. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bonn and Kunstmuseum Bonn

Who is Inbal Pinto?

Inbal Pinto, *1969, Israeli costume and set designer, director, choreographer, founded Inbal Pinto Dance Company in 1992 and served as its artistic director until 2018

Who is Etgar Keret?

Etgar Keret, *1967, Israeli writer and screenwriter, books translated into dozens of languages

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