A Feast for the Ears – podcast series (in German)
The podcast series “HörMahl: Feinkost für die Ohren” (Listen In : A Delicacy for the Ears) is a feast of culinary delights and cultural history. Take your seat at the table and listen in as Birgitt Claus, manager of the museum café eßkultur, and Ulrike Sonnemann, director of the JMB Library, chat with their guests about incredible women, liberation, food culture, and the lives of Jewish women over the centuries.
- Florian Keller (piano)
- Niklas Umland (cello)
- Christian W. Find (sound, editing, producer)
All Podcast Episodes

A visit to Fromet Mendelssohn
Fromet Mendelssohn was the wife of the famous Enlightenment thinker Moses Mendelssohn. The curators of the exhibition "We Dreamed of Nothing but Enlightenment" – Moses Mendelssohn, Inka Bertz and Thomas Lackmann, talk about the couple’s intellectually equal marriage and about Fromet as mother, hostess, housewife and businesswoman: Did she, too, dream of enlightenment and emancipation? How did she shape her life at the side of her busy husband?
Portrait of Fromet Mendelssohn, b. Gugenheim, in: Moses Mendelssohn: Brautbriefe (Bridal Letters), Bücherei des Schocken Verlag Berlin, 1936; Jewish Museum Berlin, accession BIB/1007/0, photo: Roman März, design: buerominimal

A visit to Lina Morgenstern
Lina Morgenstern, aka “Suppenlina” (soup-Lina), founded Berlin’s first soup kitchen in 1866 and wrote children’s stories, cookbooks, and guides for young women. She was involved in establishing the first kindergartens, founded the Hausfrauenverein (the Housewives’ Association), was a radical women’s rights activist, and much more. Today's guests at the table: Leonore Maier, curator of the core exhibition, and Dagmar Nick, poet and relative of Lina Morgenstern.
Hanni Schwarz Studio, Berlin, Portrait Photograph of Lina Morgenstern (1830-1909), around 1907, in: Anna Plothow, Die Begründerinnen der deutschen Frauenbewegung (5th Edition), Leipzig: Rothbarth 1907; source: Wikimedia Commons, design: buerominimal

A visit to Julie Elias
During the Weimar Republic, Julie Elias was an esteemed hostess, a culinary artist, and a successful writer. She wrote popular magazine articles about fashion, women’s lives, and art. Her (cook)books include Die junge Frau: ein Buch der Lebensführung (The Young Woman: A Book of Lifestyle) and Der Besen des Magens: Käse und Käsegerichte (The Broom of the Stomach: Cheese and Cheese Dishes).
Max Liebermann, Portrait of Julie Elias, 1914, Jewish Museum Berlin, Purchased with funds provided by Stiftung DKLB, photo: Roman März, design: buerominimal

A visit to Rahel Varnhagen
Rahel Varnhagen was a major voice in nineteenth-century women’s literature and a popular conversationalist. Her home was a meeting place for great scholars, literati, musicians and artists of her era. In 2021, we are celebrating the 250th birthday of the salonnière, woman of letters and enormously prolific letter-writer and diarist. Additional guests at the table: Inka Bertz, curator of the core exhibition, and Dorothee Nolte, author.
Rahel: Ein Buch des Andenkens für ihre Freunde [Rahel: A Book of Remembrance for her Friends], Berlin 1834; Jewish Museum Berlin, accession BIB/155150/0, photo: Roman März, design: buerominimal
A podcast series by the Jewish Museum Berlin in cooperation with eßkultur