Jewish in Real Time – New Visibility
Talk and Concert as Part of Our Cultural Summer (video recording available, in German)
Jewish life in Germany has undergone a fundament shift in the past 20 years — a new visibility has emerged, with diverse voices from various communities that define themselves as Jewish. Back in 2001, the opening of the Jewish Museum Berlin stood under a very different sign; it was celebrated in the press, in semi-ironic tones, as the “founding act of the Berlin republic.”
recording available

Museum Garden (in case of bad weather in the Glass Courtyard)
Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin
Jewish in Real Time – New Visibility. Talk with Hetty Berg (Director JMB), Tal Alon (Editor-in-Chief of Spitz Magazine), Daniel Donskoy (actor and musician), and Leon Kahane (artist). Moderator: Marion Brasch (author and moderator), 15 July 2021, in German; Jewish Museum Berlin
What has changed since then? Which Jewish voices can be heard today — the unified congregation of the German Federal Republic, the East German Jewish community, immigrants from former Soviet areas, Israelis and Americans who are part of the public discourse in Berlin and beyond?
7 pm: Talk Jewish in Real Time
Talk with Hetty Berg (Director JMB), Tal Alon (Editor-in-Chief of Spitz Magazine), Daniel Donskoy (actor and musician), and Leon Kahane (artist)
Moderator: Marion Brasch (author and moderator)

Tal Alon; photo: Kfir Harbi, Daniel Donskoy; photo: Valeria Mitelman, and Leon Kahane; photo: Nils Emmerichs
7.45–8.15 pm INTERMISSION
8.15 pm: Concert by The Dirty Honkers
French meets Israeli meets Canadian — saxophonist Florent Mannat, hip-hop producer Gad Baruch and saxophonist and singer Andrea Roberts came together in Berlin to form their own electro-swing band. This unusual trio has been rocking through Europe and the world since 2010. They blend repeating beats, loops and unusual voice effects into a sound entirely their own. The Dirty Honkers are known for remarkably energetic live shows that are a treat for the eyes and ears.
Cultural Summer: Cultural Summer 2021 – 20 Years of JMB! (4)