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Black and white photo by Herbert Sonnenfeld: A man sitting at a table with two burning Shabbat candles and reading the C.V. newspaper

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Black and white photography: The picture shows hands enveloping newspapers for dispatch


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Black and white photography: a seated man reading an issue of the C.V. newspaper. There is a map on the wall behind him.

Herbert Sonnenfeld, A visitor is reading the C.V. newspaper in the waiting room of the Centralverein deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens, C.V.-Zeitung, Emser Straße 42, Berlin October 22, 1936 Berlin 1936; Jewish Museum Berlin, accession FOT 88/500/119/005, purchased with funds provided by Stiftung DKLB. Further information on all photos on this page and many other photographs of Sonnenfeld can be found in in our online collections (in German)

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