Hanukkah Karaoke and Time Travel with Museum Monster Glückel
Interactive Performance and Tour for Families (in German) – fully booked

The temple light, the menorah and the museum monster Glückel, Jewish Museum Berlin, photo: Shlomit Tripp
Glückel, the popular museum monster, and the menorah, the temple light, invite children aged 6 to 12 (accompanied by their parents) to a Hanukkah karaoke to get in the mood for the Jewish festival of lights. No prior knowledge is needed to sing along to the well-known songs!
past event

Old Building, ground level, Auditorium
Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin
After the karaoke, Glückel will take her guests on a journey through time in the core exhibition: It begins 3,000 years ago with King Solomon and ends with a peek into a future outer space some 300 years down the road. Throughout the exhibition, Glückel surprises visitors with her period costumes, and she will explain the role that the seven-branched menorah has played in Jewish history, as well as the relationship between the temple light and the Hanukkah celebration.