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The Power of Numbers and Signs

Book Accompanying the Exhibition

10+5=Gott. Die Macht der Zeichen (“10+5=God. The Power of Numbers and Signs”) considers German-Jewish history along the guiding thread of every culture’s most elementary symbols, letters and numbers. Featuring nine essays by authors of international renown and 33 short texts including playful reflections and scientific insights into the world of numbers.

The book with its extraordinary design was honored as one of the most beautiful books of 2004.


  • 10+5=Gott. Die Macht der Zeichen
    320 pages with lots of colored illustrations,
    DuMont Literatur und Kunst Verlag
    Berlin 2004

    ISBN: 978-3-8321-7874-1

  • Editors

    Daniel Tyradellis and Michal Friedlander
    for the Jewish Museum Berlin

  • Contributing Writers

    Dan Ben-Amos and Dov Noy, Wolfgang Benz,
    Micha Brumlik, Giulio Busi, John D. Barrow,
    Mitchell B. Hart, Boaz Huss, Herbert Mehrtens,
    Christoph Schulte, and others

  • Translations

    Cordula Bandt, Michael Ebmeyer, Miriam Mandelkow

  • Design

    kühle und mozer

  • Price


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