Transcending Tradition: Jewish Mathematicians in German-Speaking Academic Culture
Exhibition Catalog
The catalog for the traveling exhibition Transcending Tradition: Jewish Mathematicians in German-Speaking Academic Culture, published by Springer Verlag, traces the history of Jewish mathematicians in Germany from exclusion to acceptance and back to exclusion. The book examines displacement and exile, but also the question of return. Mirroring the exhibition, further essays focus on the cities of Berlin, Göttingen, Bonn, and Frankfurt and profile individual mathematicians such as Otto Blumenthal, Richard Courant, Emmy Noether, and Paul Bernays. An appendix includes a list of archival holdings related to Jewish mathematicians in Germany.
Broadly, the catalog demonstrates that in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Jewish mathematicians played a role in just about every area of academic culture in mathematics. Furthermore, the sheer breadth and diversity of their activities refutes all the stereotypes from back then (or even now) that Jewish mathematicians somehow constituted a separate class of their own in the mathematics of their era.
- Jewish Mathematicians in German-Speaking Academic Culture
216 pages with 16 illustrations
Berlin, Heidelberg 2009
ISBN: 978-3-540-69250-8 (Hardcover)
978-3-540-69252-2 (E-Book)
German - Editors Birgit Bergmann, Moritz Epple
- Design init: Feil and Hahn, Roswitha Feil
- Price 29.15 € (Hardcover)
22.99 € (E-Book)
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