Kosher & Co.:
On Food and Religion
Exhibition Catalog
This book centers on kashrut – Jewish dietary laws – and Judaism’s broader relationship with food. It proceeds to make comparisons with other world religions, primarily Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism. Well-known scholars of religion and culture illustrate the developments and peculiarities of the different religious traditions and how they view food. It ultimately becomes clear that the saying “you are what you eat” also holds true in the religious context: food promotes identity, be it for a particular group of people or an individual.
“Identities” is the title of one of the eight chapters in the elaborately designed book, in which various authors explore questions concerning “Food and Religion.” The authors also consider the subjects of “Bread and Wine,” “Enjoying and Abstaining,” and “Paradise.” Around 170 primarily color illustrations give further insights into the topic’s rich diversity. Recipes invite readers to try cooking what they have read about and broaden their horizons, both culinary and otherwise.
Details & Excerpts
- Koscher & Co. Über Essen und Religion
(Kosher & Co. On Food and Religion)
304 pages with approximately 170 primarily color illustrations
Nicolai Publishing House
Berlin 2009
ISBN: 9783-89779-538-2
In German only -
Editors Michal Friedlander and Cilly Kugelmann
For the Jewish Museum Berlin - Contributing Writers Peter Heine, Rainer Kampling, Renate Syed, David Kraemer, Doron Rabinovici, Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Herman Simon, Ruth Ellen Gruber, Claudia Roden and others
- Translations Michael Ebmeyer, Karsten Kredel (Patricia Marx)
- Design Kühle und Mozer
- Price 24.90 € (Museum edition: Folded pamphlet, with an index of the exhibits)
29.90 € (Bookshop edition: Hardback with jacket)
by Cilly Kugelmann and Michal Firedlander
In German only
Die Hostie (The Host)
by Iris Blochel-Dittrich
In German only
“Winnie Puuh und Ferkel dazu ... ” – und andere unkoschere Geschichten
(“Winne-the-Pooh, piglet too”...and other unkosher tales)
by Michal Friedlander
In German only
Heilige Kühe (Sacred Cows)
by Florian Werner
In German only
You can order this publication from a bookstore, or from the museum by contacting
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