
Exhibition Catalog

This colorful artist's book from filmmaker Peter Greenaway supplements and illustrates the stories of Abraham, Isaac, and Ishmael told in the exhibition of the same name. The accompanying text enlarges upon the themes of the exhibition and considers the story of the binding of Isaac from Jewish, Christian, and Muslim perspectives.

Details & Excerpts

  • Obedience
    156 pages with 92 full-page images,
    Kerber Publishing Company
    Bielefeld and Berlin 2015

    ISBN: 978-3-7356-0067-7
    available in English and German

  • Editors

    Peter Greenaway, Margret Kampmeyer
    and Cilly Kugelmann
    on behalf of the Jewish Museum Berlin

  • Contributing Writers

    Omri Boehm, Helmut Hoping, Margret Kampmeyer,
    Cilly Kugelmann, Jon D. Levenson,
    Angelika Neuwirth, Ed Noort

  • Translations

    Adam Blauhut, Allison Brown

  • Design

    e o t . essays on typography

  • Price

    30 € (in the Museum Shop)

    35 € (retail price)


by Margret Kampmeyer and Cilly Kugelmann

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