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Classification Scheme of the Library of the Jewish Museum Berlin

Here you can find the classification scheme of our library from the following classification groups: reference works, arts, history, biographies, languages, Israel/Palestine, religion/philosophy, literature, performing arts, migration and diversity, and other fields of knowledge.

Map with all buildings that belong to the Jewish Museum Berlin. The W. M. Blumenthal Academy is marked in green


W. M. Blumenthal Academy, Library
Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 1, 10969 Berlin 
Postal address: Lindenstraße 9-14, 10969 Berlin

I. Reference Works

I. 1. Encyclopedias

I. 1.1. Specialized Reference Works
I. 2. Bibliographical Reference Works 
I. 3. Biographical Reference Works
I. 4. Address Books
I. 5. Dictionaries
I. 7. Source Studies
I. 8. Maps
I. 9. Publications, Exhibition Catalogues of the Jewish Museum Berlin

II. Arts

II.0. Reference Works, Encyclopedias

II.1. Art History

II.1.0. General Reference Works, Catalogues, Dictionaries
II.1.1. Art Theory, Visual Culture 
II.1.2. Artist’s profession (education, art academies) 
II.1.3. Art Trade (Galleries, Collectors, Patrons) 
II.1.4. Art Looting (Expropriation, Looted Art, Restitution) 
II.1.5. Art Reception 

II.2. Iconography (Motifs, Symbols and Themes)

II.2.0. General Reference Works, Catalogues
II.2.1. Bible, Religion 
II.2.2. Zionism 
II.2.3. Humans, Society, Everyday Life 
II.2.4. Anti-Jewish Depictions 
II.2.5. Shoah, Holocaust 
II.2.20. Miscellaneous 

II.3. Fine Arts (Painting, Graphics, Sculpture)

II.3.0. General Reference works, Catalogues 
II.3.1. Antiquity (ca. 1500 BCE – ca. 600 AC) 
II.3.2. Middle Ages (600–1500) 
II.3.3. Modern Period (1500–1900) 
II.3.4. Classical Modernity (1900–1945) 
II.3.5. Art in Concentration Camps, in the Resistance, in Exile (1933–1945) 
II.3.6. Post-war Period (1945–1990) 
II.3.7. Present Age (since 1990) 

II.4. Applied Arts

II.4.0. General Reference Works, Catalogues 
II.4.1. Caricature, Comic 
II.4.2. Books, Printed Works, Paper (Design, Illustration, Typography) 
II.4.3. Gold- and Silver-Smithery 
II.4.4. Metalwork (Copper, Sheet Metal, Bronze, Iron, Tin Casting) 
II.4.5. Porcelain, Ceramics, Glass, Enamel 
II.4.6. Textiles (Carpets, Weaving, Needlework) 
II.4.7. Interior Design, Furniture, Home Appliances 
II.4.8. Fashion, Costumes, Jewelry 
II.4.9. Poster Design, Advertising 
II.4.20. Artists 

II.5. Judaica

II.5.0. General Reference works, Catalogues 
II.5.1. Book Art, Manuscripts (Design, Illustration, Typography) 
II.5.2. Textiles 
II.5.3. Metalwork 

II.6. Architecture

II.6.0. General Reference Works, Catalogues 
II.6.1. Memorials 
II.6.2. Miscellaneous Themes 
II.6.20. Architects

II.7. Photography

II.7.0. General Reference Works, Catalogues 
II.7.1. Miscellaneous themes and motifs 
II.7.20. Photographers 

II.8. Catalogues (Collections, Exhibitions)

II.8.1. Jewish Museums (Jewish Museum Berlin see I.9) 
II.8.2. Other Museums and Institutions

II.9. Synagogues, Mikvehs

II.9.0. General Reference Works, Catalogues 
II.9.1. Synagogues in Germany 
II.9.2. Synagogues worldwide 
II.9.3. Mikvehs 

II.10. Cemeteries, Sepulchral Art

II.10.0. General Reference Works, Catalogues 
II.10.1. Cemeteries, Sepulchral Art in Germany 
II.10.2. Cemeteries, Sepulchral Art worldwide 

II.11. Auction Catalogues

II.12. Artists 

III. History

III. 1. History in General

III. 2. German History 

III. 3. Berlin History 

III. 5. Jewish History of Berlin

III. 5.1. Jewish History of Berlin in General 
III. 5.2. Communities, Museums, Schools, Hospitals 
III. 5.3. Companies and Institutions 
III. 5.4. Borough History 

III. 6. Jewish History in Germany

III. 6.1. Jewish History in Germany in General 
III. 6.2. Middle Ages, Early Modern Period 
III. 6.3. Absolutism 
III. 6.4. Emancipation (1780–1871) 
III. 6.5. German Empire, Weimar Republic 
III. 6.6. see III.9.2. 1933–1945 
III. 6.7. Postwar Period, Federal Republic of Germany, GDR 
III. 6.8. Economic History 
III. 6.9. Present age (1990–present) 

III. 7. Regional and Local History

III. 8. Jewish History

III. 8.1. Jewish History in General 
III. 8.2. Anti-Semitism, Defense 
III. 8.3. Jewish History of Europe 
III. 8.4. Jewish History of Non-European Countries 

III. 9. National Socialism

III. 9.1. Nazi Sources 
III. 9.2. History of the Jews 1933–1945 
III. 9.3. Exile, Emigration 
III. 9.4. Resistance 
III. 9.5. Secondary Literature 

III. 10. Examination of Nazi-Period

III. 10.1. War Crime Trials, "Wiedergutmachung" 
III. 10.2. Culture of Remembrance, "Vergangenheitsbewältigung" 
III. 10.3. Memorials

IV. Biographies, Autobiographies, Letters, Diaries

IV. 1. Biographical Anthologies

V. Languages

V. 1. Hebrew 
V. 2. Yiddish

VI. Israel, Palestine

VI. 1. Antiquities, Palestine 
VI. 2. Zionism 
VI. 3. State of Israel 
VI. 4. Arab countries, Palestine, Wars

VII. Religion, Philosophy

VII. 1. Bible, Reference Works on the Bible, Early Literature 
VII. 2. Prayer books 
VII. 3. Talmud 
VII. 4. Haggadot, Late Literature 
VII. 5. Philosophy, Religion, "Wissenschaft des Judentums"
VII. 6. Sermons 
VII. 7. Christianity 
VII. 8. Islam 
VII. 9. Religious Studies

VIII. Literature

VIII. 1. Authors 
VIII. 2. Anthologies 
VIII. 3. Literary Science 
VIII. 4. Bibliophilia 
VIII. 5. Journalism 
VIII. 6. Children’s and Youth Literature 
VIII. 7. Satire, Humor

IX. Performing Arts

IX. 1. Music 
IX. 2. Theater 
IX. 3. Film 
IX. 4. Dance

X. Miscellaneous Fields of Knowledge

X. 1. Sports 
X. 2. Everyday Culture 
X. 3. Cooking 
X. 4. Living 
X. 5. Medicine 
X. 6. Miscellaneous 
X. 7. Calendars 
X. 8. Natural Science 
X. 9. Education 
X. 10. Sociology

XI. Rare Periodicals

XII. Current Periodicals

XIII. Collections

XIV. Museology

XV. Migration and Diversity

XV. 1. History 
XV. 2. Politics and Law 
XV. 3. Religion 
XV. 4. Minority Groups 
XV. 5. Autobiographies, Biographies 
XV. 6. Education 
XV. 7. Media 
XV. 8. Literature, Arts, Culture 
XV. 9. Racism and Discrimination 
XV. 10. Theory

View into the aisle between two rows of bookshelves in a library

The Library of the Jewish Museum Berlin

Landing Page
Our Library: Books, films, and more about Jewish art, culture, and history
Library Catalog (OPAC)
Our Collections: collection fields at a glance
Information for Visitors
Reading Room: Opening hours, catalogs, databases, requesting archive material
Registration Form: Register to view rare holdings from our library and documents from our archive
Terms of Use: Requirements for visitors to the archive and library of the Jewish Museum Berlin
Current page: Our Library’s Classification Scheme: The focuses and thematic areas according to which our collection is organized and grouped
List of Fees: Prices and rates for services at the reading room of our library and archive
Collections and Projects
Collections on Jewish Art and Culture: Volumes printed by the Soncino Society, the publications of the Centralverein, Hebrew Printing, and special collections on Jewish art and visual culture
The Artur Brauner Collection: Twenty-one films by the successful film producer
Digitizing Book Holdings: Publications of the Soncino Society of Friends of the Jewish Book, 2016
Enlarging and Indexing Our Holdings in Jewish Art: DFG Project on visual and material culture of Judaism, 2013–2018
Digital Content
Highlights from the Library Collection: A medieval manuscript, a cookbook from 1900, an elaborate Hebrew children’s book and other treasures
Digital Books: A complete list of our digitized books (in German)
Rare Digital Books: Curated selection of valuable digitized material from our holdings
Story Time in Our Library: Why Noah Chose the Dove by Isaac Bashevis Singer, 2023
“Hörmahl:” A Feast for the Ears: Podcast series about Rahel Varn­hagen, Lina Morgen­stern and other women writers, 2021–2022, in German
See also
Judaica Portal: Online database of Judaica holdings at various institutions, including our library’s holdings
Periodicals in the ZDB: Research tool for magazines, newspapers, and databases in German and Austrian libraries
Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek (DDB): Our digitized publications accessible via the DDB
AG Jüdische Sammlungen: Website of the Jewish Collections working group (in German)
Library Holdings: Search engine for our online collections (in German)
Literature for Children and Young Adults

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