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Educational Program and Guided Tours in September and October 2010

Press Information

Press Release, Mon 2 Aug 2010

The special exhibition "Forced Labor. The Germans, the Forced Laborers, and the War" opening on 27 September is the focus of the educational program during these two months. The program surrounding the exhibition includes the guided tour "Forced Laborers and Work Slaves," workshops for school students featuring discussions with contemporary witnesses, and a project day entitled "In the Tracks of Forced Laborers" for adults and school students. A workshop for teachers on "Nazi Forced Labor in Schools and Lessons" is also on the program.

The Fall Vacation Program for children is all about the "Sukkot," the Jewish Feast of the Tabernacles, which is celebrated from 23 September to 1 October this year. The children can make their very own model of a tabernacle to conclude the tour "Sukkot – Mobile Living in Biblical Times."


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Jewish Museum Berlin Foundation
Lindenstraße 9–14
10969 Berlin

Guided Tours for Adults

The following tours will take place in the months of September and October:


11 am: Jewish Life and Traditions

3 pm: Through the Museum in Seven League Boots


11 am: Jewish Life and Traditions

3 pm: Through the Museum in Seven League Boots


6 pm: Forced Laborers and Work slaves. Tour through the special exhibition "Forced Labor" (from 4 October 2010)

The following applies to public tours for adults:

Duration: 1 hour

Price: 3 € plus admission fee (Permanent exhibition: 5 €, reduced rate 2.50 €; special exhibition: 4 €, reduced rate 2 euros)

Please gather at the "Meeting Point" on ground level of the Old Building.

Further information and tour bookings (for non-journalists) on tel. +49 (0)30 25 993 305 or

Public Tours for Children

Halakah and Braided Bread – What goes into the Shabbat-Basket?

Children’s Tour through the Permanent Exhibition

How did a Jewish merchant live 300 years ago? What did she pack in her suitcase when she went traveling? A prayer book, clothes, or even a mobile phone? On this stroll through the exhibition, our very young visitors look at Jewish traditions and how they have changed in the course of the centuries. They have fun experiencing how it feels to wear a kippah, admire a real scroll, and sniff a besamim box full of spices.

When: 5 September and 3 October 2010, 11 am

Duration: 1 hour

The Crazy Crooked House. Daniel Libeskind For Children

Why are the walls at the Jewish Museum Berlin at a slant? Why does a staircase lead to nowhere? Why don’t flowers blossom in the garden? Tailored to their age group, our young visitors receive a fun introduction to the architecture of Daniel Libeskind. Afterwards they can design their very own crazy fantasy house with building blocks, cardboard, paper, and other handcraft materials.

When: 19 September and 17 October 2010, 11 am

Duration: 2 hours

The following applies to all public tours for children:

Price: 3 € including admission and handcraft materials

Please gather at the "Meeting Point" in the foyer on ground level of the Libeskind Building.

Further information and bookings (for non-journalists) on tel. +49 (0)30 25 993 305 or

Fall Vacation Program

Sukkot – Mobile Living in Biblical Times

Tour for Children from 6 to 12 Years

How did people live during a 40-year-long trip through the desert? On this Museum tour, our young visitors learn about the Jewish Feast of the Tabernacles and about the life of the Israelites in the desert. To conclude, they can build their very own model of a tabernacle.

When: 14 and 21 October 2010, 11 am

Duration: 2 hours

Cost: 3 € incl. admission fee

Further information and fall vacation program bookings (for non-journalists) on tel. +49 (0)30 25 993 322 or

Program Surrounding the Special Exhibition "Forced Labor"

Young People Meet Former Forced Laborers

Workshop and Discussion with Contemporary Witnesses for Classes from Grade 9

This workshop provides school students with the opportunity to speak to a former forced laborer and ask the questions that surfaced on their way around the exhibition. The contemporary witness will tell his/her own story and how forced labor influenced and changed his/her life.

A cooperation with the Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora Memorials Foundation

When: 28 September 2010, 10 am and midday

Wednesday 29 September 2010, 10 am and midday

Thursday 30 September 2010, 10 am and midday

Friday 1 October 2010, 10 am and midday

Where: Old Building, first level, Education Room

Duration: 3 hours

Cost: 5 € per head including admission fee

In the Tracks of Forced Laborers

Project day on Nazi Forced Labor in Berlin 1939-1945

For Adults and School Groups from Grade 9

The day commences with a tour through the Libeskind Building and a visit to the special exhibition "Forced Labor." In the afternoon, the group visits Berlin’s last largely preserved forced labor camp in Schöneweide. Alongside Italian military internees and Italian civilian workers, concentration camp prisoners and other forced laborers of different nationalities could be found here.

A cooperation with the Documentation Center for Nazi Forced Labor in Berlin Schöneweide

When: by appointment

Cost: 3 € per head including admission fee for school students; 60 € flat rate for adult groups plus reduced admission fee of 2 € per head

Duration: 10 am to 4.30 pm

Forced Laborers and Work Slaves

Tour for Adults and School Groups from Grade 9

"The Poles wore a P, the Jews a six-pointed star, and we were given OST on a sort of rag … OST for workers from the east…" reports Olga D. from her time as a forced laborer. The chronological tour through the exhibition shows how differently the different groups of forced laborers were treated, which work they had to do, the living conditions they had to endure, and the "broken life paths" that resulted.

When: by appointment

Duration: 1 hour

Cost: 2,75 € per head including admission fee for school students; 60 € flat rate for adult groups plus reduced admission fee of 2 € per head

Work as Loot: Forced Labor in the Nazi Era

Workshop for School Groups from Grade 9

The workshop focuses on the relationships between forced laborers on the one side and perpetrators, accomplices, and bystanders on the other and tries to fathom the scope for action the different sides had.

A cooperation with the Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora Memorials Foundation

When: by appointment

Where: Old Building, first level, Education Room

Duration: 2 hours

Cost: 3 € including admission fee

Nazi Forced Labor in Schools and Lessons

Workshop for Teachers and Educators

While the Holocaust is taught as a matter of course in history lessons, Nazi forced labor is often not covered at all. How can historical and media skills be conveyed according to topic? Who were the perpetrators? How were they brought to justice? To mark the first comprehensive presentation of the history of forced labor, up-to-date educational materials for regular lessons, project days, and exams are presented and tested.

A cooperation with the Free University of Berlin

When: 30 September 2010, 3 to 6 pm

Where: Old Building, first level, Education Room

Cost: 2,75 € including admission fee

Bookings (for non-journalists) for the program surrounding the special exhibition "Forced Labor" on tel. +49 (0)30 25993-305, fax -412 or

Group size no more than 15; larger groups will be split up.

Strolls through the City for Adults

Through Old Berlin in Search of Traces of Jewish Life

The tour visits places related to the history of Berlin Jews in the 16th century. The stroll through the city passes through three historical districts of Berlin, the Klosterviertel, the Nikolaiviertel, and the Marienviertel. Many of the places of Jewish historical significance have disappeared from the cityscape. Tour participants have the opportunity to compare views of then and now with multimedia guide photos, engravings or paintings of the historical buildings.

When: 12 September 2010, 11 am

Meeting point: U-Bahn station Klosterstrasse, north exit next to the historical U-Bahn train

In Search of Traces of Jewish Life in Southern Friedrichstadt

The city tour through southern Friedrichstadt focuses on the rise to bourgeois society and the considerable contribution of the Jewish population to Berlin becoming a financial and cultural metropolis. Multimedia guides are used for the tour that show what can no longer be seen.

When: 26 September and 10 October 2010, 11 am

Meeting Point: Jewish Museum Berlin, Main entrance

The following applies to city tours:

Bookings (for non-journalists) on tel. +49 (0)30 25993 587 or Further tours can also be booked on request.

Duration: 2 hours

Cost: 10 euros

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