Events in April 2012

Press Invitation

Press Release, Wed 14 Mar 2012

We cordially invite you to these cultural events in April:

Program surrounding the Special Exhibition "Berlin Transit"

Monday Movies

Jewish Luck (original title: Jidische Glikn)

Silent movie by Alexej Granowsky (USSR 1925; based on a story by Scholem Aljechem, 100 mins., English subheadings).

The film shows episodes from the life of Menachem Mendel’s life in the shtetl, filmed at the original locations. The director Alexej Granowsky, founder of the state Jewish theater GOSET in Moscow, remained in Berlin during the 1920s following a guest performance here.

When: Monday 16 April 2012, 7.30 pm

The following applies to all events in the Monday Movies series:

Where: Old Building, ground level, Auditorium

Admission free with seat ticket only (available at the cash desk).

Ticket reservation (for non-journalists) on tel. +49 (0)30 25993 488 or


Press office
T +49 (0)30 259 93 419


Jewish Museum Berlin Foundation
Lindenstraße 9–14
10969 Berlin

Symposium at the Jewish Museum Berlin and the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation

Kibbutz: From Utopia to the Future

Accompanying the Exhibition "Kibbutz and Bauhaus - Pioneers of the Collective" at the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation

A century after the founding of the first Kibbutz in Palestine/Israel, a new longing for solidary communities is emerging in the face of current crises. While the Kibbutz has survived as a form of collective living for a small avant-garde, in an international context it appears to be more alive than ever before. With this backdrop, the symposium takes a critical look at the Kibbutz from its utopian founding history to the present day and considers various life stories connected with the Kibbutz model.

A cooperation of the Jewish Museum Berlin and the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation.

When: Friday and Saturday, 20 and 21 April 2012

Where: at the Jewish Museum Berlin (Friday) and the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation (Saturday)

Symposium admission free

20 April: Program at the Jewish Museum Berlin (Old Building, second level, Great Hall)

5.30 pm: Hazorea - A Kibbutz in Northern Israel. Documentary by Ulrike Pfaff (D/IL 2009, 72 mins)

7.30 pm: Socialism and the Caribbean Feeling - German Kibbutz Experiences

Panel discussion with Micha Brumlik, Fritz-Rüdiger Volz, Ulrike Pfaff, and Edelgard Bulmahn, moderation and commentary by Cilly Kugelmann and Stefanie Schüler-Springorum

21 April: Program at the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation (Aula)

10.30 am: Kibbutz Architecture - A Retrospective

Talk by Zvi Efrat

11.30 am: The Kibbutz as a Risk Society. Talk by Eliezer Ben-Rafael

1.30 pm: The Kibbutz Movement and Settlers’ Fundamentalism. Talk by Micha Brumlik

2.30 pm: Concluding panel discussion moderated by Cilly Kugelmann and Philipp Oswalt

3.30 pm: Tour with the curators and discussion in the exhibition with Galia Bar Or, Nicole Minten, Werner Möller, and Yuval Yasky

Shuttle bus from Berlin to Dessau

9 am: Depart Jewish Museum Berlin

5 pm: Depart Bauhaus Dessau Foundation

Price including exhibition admission: 25 €. Bookings until 2 April 2012 on or tel. +49 (0)340 6508250

Further information on

Cultural Program

Hilde Schramm: My Teacher, Dr. Dora Lux

Book Presentation with the Author

"Dr. Dora Lux … was my history teacher in Heidelberg from 1953 … to 1955… Albert Speer is my father. My origins forced me into an early and continuing confrontation with Nazism. In finding myself, however, the influence of people who embodied a counter-world to Nazi ideology was vital … I owe such an experience to my teacher."

Hilde Schramm researched the life of Dora Lux over many years. Her teacher was one of the first female students to complete the "Abitur" (the highest German school certificate), helped pave women’s way to university, and became one of the first of the few female city councilors. In the Third Reich, she broke the law by not registering as a Jew - and survived.

In cooperation with the Literaturhandlung.

When: Tuesday 17 April 2012, 7.30 pm

Where: Old Building, second level, Great Hall

Admission: 9 €, reduced rate 7 euros

Bookings (for non-journalists) at the Literaturhandlung on tel. +49 (0)30 8824 250

Henryk M. Broder: "Vergesst Auschwitz!" (Forget Auschwitz!)

Book Presentation with the Author

In his provocative essay, Henryk M. Broder exposes the bearing of ongoing commemoration shown by German politicians and public persons as "commemorative mania." He sees it as the politically correct guise of a new, "secondary" anti-Semitism skillfully camouflaged as anti-Zionism. It should bring relief. Israel is a "daily reminder" of Nazi crimes in Europe. The Germans will never forgive the Jews for that. For this to change, Broder urges us to finally lay the cursed memories to rest.

A cooperation with the Literaturhandlung.

When: Monday 30 April 2012, 7.30 pm

Where: Old Building, second level, Great Hall

Admission: 9 €, reduced rate 7 euros

Bookings (for non-journalists) at the Literaturhandlung on tel. +49 (0)30 8824 250

intonations - the Jerusalem International Chamber Music Festival

From 24 to 29 April the Jewish Museum Berlin hosts the internationally renowned Jerusalem Chamber Music Festival. Detailed information on the program is available online.

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