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An event for FRIENDS OF THE JMB at the Komische Oper Berlin

Barrie Kosky’s visually impressive production of Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera intensifies the magic of Pushkin’s dark fairy tale about the woes of King Dodon.

Past event


Schillertheater Berlin
Bismarckstraße 110

10625 Berlin

The new production by Kosky, the 2022 winner of the Jewish Museum Berlin’s Prize for Under­standing and Tolerance, whisks the audience away to the mysterious world of fairy tales – and simultan­eously tells us more about our current times than one might think. Following perfor­mances in France, the celebrated production can now been seen at the Komische Oper Berlin. We invite you to join us on a group visit!

Visitors to the Jewish Museum look at paintings.

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FRIENDS OF THE JMB: Overview of the friends’ association of the Jewish Museum Berlin
Become a Member: Experience the JMB up close with FRIENDS
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Cultural Program: Experience the JMB up close with FRIENDS
Corporate Membership: Advocate for an open society by supporting the JMB
Prize for Understanding and Tolerance: Every year, the JMB and the FRIENDS honor exceptional individuals for their engagement
See also
Support: Other ways to help the JMB

Where, when, what?

  • WhenWed 20 Mar 2024, 7 pm
  • Where Schillertheater Berlin
    Bismarckstraße 110

    10625 Berlin
    See location on map
  • Entry fee

    43,50 € (Seat category 3)

  • Registration deadline20 Feb 2024

    Number of participantslmax. 20 People

    Meeting point6:30 pm, Foyer of the Schiller Theater, Bismarckstraße 110, 10625 Berlin

    Language Russian with German surtitles

    Contact & Registration P +49 (0)30 25 993 436

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