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Room view with round seat bunk and person under a hanging sound tube

Judaism Aloud

An Au­dible and Palpa­ble Tour for Visitors with Blindness or Limited Vision

What does Juda­ism sound like? The ex­peri­ence begins with Jew­ish pop mu­sic and the sounds of sing­ing at a syna­gogue. The group will then dis­cuss what makes music Jew­ish. The tour of the core exhi­bition con­siders reli­gion and ritu­als through a varie­ty of sen­sory sti­mu­li.

Visi­tors will touch or smell ob­jects and listen in at au­dio sta­tions, which give a tan­gi­ble ex­pe­rience of the poly­pho­ny of Jew­ish cul­ture and reli­gion: How are He­brew letters shaped? What is the struc­ture of a syna­gogue? What does Shabbat smell like? The parti­ci­pants will be intro­duced to a varie­ty of tradi­tions and reli­gious inter­pre­ta­tions within Judai­sm and fami­liarize them­selves with the die­tary laws. 

By appointment

Map with all buildings that belong to the Jewish Museum Berlin. The Old Building is marked in green


Old Building, ground level, “Meeting Point” in the foyer
Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin

The hand-on, indi­vi­dualized exhi­bi­tion expe­rience allows for con­versa­tions among mem­bers of the group. 

A pair of hands feeling a model of a synagogue

Accessibility at the Jewish Museum Berlin: An overview

General Information
Accessibility at the Jewish Museum Berlin: Directions, visiting the museum, audience-specific
Simple English: Information about the Jewish Museum Berlin and its website in Simple English
Gebärdensprache – Informa­tionen und Ange­bote in Deutscher Gebärden­sprache
Accessibility Statement: Information on areas in which accessibility is still lacking, options for giving feedback, and the arbitration service
Tours & Workshops
JMB App: Including audio tours, German plain language, German Sign Language, optimized for screen readers, features touching instructions for tactile paintings, and audio texts for reading along
Access Program Tours by appointment and with fixed dates

Where, when, what?

  • WhenBy appointment
  • Duration2 hours
  • Where Old Building, ground level, “Meeting Point” in the foyer
    Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin
    See location on map
  • RegistrationT +49 (0)30 259 93 305 (Mon–Fri, 10 am–4 pm), Please contact us with your request at least 4 to 6 weeks before the desired date.

    Price per group 60 € for adults reduced rate
    45 € for school groups

    Price per group from 1 May 2025 100 € for adults reduced rate
    60 € for school groups

    LanguageWe offer this tour in German, English, or Italian. Contact us to confirm whether this tour is possible on your desired date.

    Please note This tour is appropriate either for adults or for school groups ages 14 to 19.

    Number of participants Up to 6

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