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Guided Tours and Educational Program in April, May, and June 2012

Press Information

Press Release, Mon 12 Mar 2012

The highlight of the children’s program in June is the summer camp - kids can journey through a whole millennia in four days with all-day theater, baking, and textile art workshops as well as picnics in the museum garden. Time is also the theme of a new tour through the permanent exhibition developed especially for children.

As part of the educational program accompanying the new special exhibition "Berlin Transit," young people and adults have the chance to get to grips with the everyday world of Jewish immigrants in Berlin of the Weimar Republic. Workshops provide a critical look at the representation of "others" - both then and now. And traces of Jewish life in Berlin can be found on city strolls through the Scheunenviertel and "Charlottengrad."


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Jewish Museum Berlin Foundation
Lindenstraße 9–14
10969 Berlin

Guided Tours for Adults


11 am Jewish Life and Traditions

3 pm Through the Museum in Seven League Boots


11 am Jewish Life and Traditions

2 pm Tour through the special exhibition "Berlin Transit"

3 pm Through the Museum in Seven League Boots


6 pm Through the Museum in Seven League Boots

The following applies to public tours for adults:

Duration: approx. 1 hour

Price: 3 € plus admission fee

(Permanent exhibition: 5 €, reduced rate 2.50 €, Special exhibition: 4 €, reduced rate 2 euros)

Please gather at the "Meeting Point" on ground level of the Old Building.

Further information and tour bookings (for non-journalists) on tel. +49 (0)30 25993 305 or

Public Tours for Children

Halakah and Braided Bread - What goes into the Shabbat Basket?

Children’s Tour through the Permanent Exhibition

How did a Jewish merchant live 300 years ago? What did she pack in her suitcase when she went traveling? A prayer book, clothes, or even a mobile phone? On this stroll through the exhibition, our young visitors look at Jewish traditions and how they have changed in the course of the centuries. They have fun experiencing how it feels to wear a kippah, admire a real scroll, and sniff a besamim box full of spices.

When: Sunday, 1 April, 6 May and 3 June 2012, 11 am

Duration: 1 hour

The Crazy Crooked House. Daniel Libeskind For Children

Why are the walls at the Jewish Museum Berlin at a slant? Why does a staircase lead to nowhere? Why don’t flowers blossom in the garden? Tailored to their age group, our young visitors receive a fun introduction to the architecture of Daniel Libeskind. Afterwards they can build their very own crazy fantasy house with cardboard, modeling clay, and other handcraft materials.

When: Sunday 20 May and 17 June 2012, 11 am

Duration: 2 hours

The following applies to all public childen’s tours:

Price: 3 € including admission and handicraft materials

Please gather at the "Meeting Point" in the foyer on ground level of the Old Building.

Further information and bookings (for non-journalists) on tel. +49 (0)30 25993 305 or

Vacation and Festival Program

On Locusts and Other Plagues

Passover tour for children aged 5 to 11 years

On this tour, our small visitors learn about the traditions surrounding the Passover festival and bake their own mazzah bread in the traditional wood-fired oven in the museum garden.

This event will be held inside the museum in the case of bad weather.

When: Saturday 14 April and Sunday 15 April 2012, 11 am

Appointments for kindergarten and school groups are available from 16 April to 16 May.

Duration: 2 hours

How Numbers Express Time

A tour around the museum for children aged 6 to 12 years

Who invented numbers? How is time measured? What does history mean? People have puzzled over these questions for thousands of years. The tour around the museum considers them and how the lives of German Jews have changed over the last two millennia.

When: Monday 25 June + every Monday in the summer vacation at 11 am

Duration: 1 hour

Summer Camp: A Journey Through Time - 1000 Years in 4 Days

(From 26 to 29 June 2012)

The Roman Empire: Trier’s Marketplace

Role play for children aged 6 to 12 years

How were rooms lit 2,000 years ago? How did Romans and Jews bathe way back then and why was salt so expensive? Following a journey in time through the museum, our young visitors arrive with swords and helmets at Trier’s marketplace in the Roman Empire. Dressed as Roman legionaries and Jewish traders, they encounter the Celts and ancient Germans in the dark forest of the museum garden. Having overcome struggles, hunger, and oppression together, they learn at their delicious lunch banquet why wild boar roasted over the camp fire is not kosher.

When: Tuesday 26 June 2012, 10.30 am to 4 pm

The Middle Ages: Isaac the Textile Trader

Textile art workshop for children aged 6 to 12 years

Silk, velvet, and cotton only arrived in Germany in the Middle Ages. This tour through the Middle Ages reveals which textiles Isaac traded in and what was behind his white elephant Abul Abbas. The children then have fun experimenting with various fabrics on their very own elephant Abul Abbas to take home.

When: Wednesday 27 June 2012, 10.30 am to 4 pm

Early Modern Times: From Peddler to Baker

Bread-baking workshop for children aged 6 to 12 years

An old peddler’s sack awaits these children at the museum to tell them what life was like in the countryside nearly 400 years ago. The children then travel through the Thirty Years’ War as Jewish peddlers, trading buttons and scissors in the museum’s secret passages. The long journey to the Shabbat table with a Jewish family is full of adventure! Following a kosher picnic in the museum garden, the baker at the traditional wood-fired oven describes how bread was baked in the country way back then. Our young visitors learn about kashrut, the Jewish dietary laws, and bake their own bread.

When: Thursday 28 June 2012, 10.30 am to 4 pm

The Enlightenment: Nathan the Wise

Puppet theater workshop for children aged 6 to 12 years

The old spectacles belonging to the Jewish philosopher Moses Mendelssohn draw our young visitors into the Age of Enlightenment. The idea that independent thought could make people freer and happier marked this period. This story will be re-enacted with big puppets - which parents, siblings, and friends can marvel at!

The grand finale to the Journey through Time summer camp is a little party to which the children can invite their own guests.

When: Friday 29 June 2012, 10.30 am to 4 pm

The following applies to the summer camp:

Workshops can be booked individually or as a four-day package.

Costs: 15 € for a day ticket including admission, lunch, and materials;

50 € for the whole summer camp including admission, lunch, and materials

The summer camp will also be held from 3 to 6 July and from 31 July to 3 August.

Information and bookings for the whole vacation and festival program (for non-journalists) on tel. +49 (0)30 25993 305 or

Educational Program Surrounding the Special Exhibition

"Berlin Transit. Jewish Immigrants from Eastern Europe in the 1920s"

23 March to 15 July 2012

"Berlin Transit"

Interactive tour for adults and young people from grade 8

Taking the reasons to flee as depicted in the images of Issachar Ber Ryback from the years 1918/19, the tour through the special exhibition presents Berlin as a place of refuge for Jewish migrants from Eastern Europe. Photographs, print media, three-dimensional objects, and audio clips provide visitors with a varied impression of Jewish life between the two world wars in Berlin.

When: by appointment

Duration: 1 hour

Cost: 60 € for groups of adults (of up to 15 people) plus 2 € admission per person; 2.75 € per person for school groups including admission to the special exhibition

Information and bookings (for non-journalists) on tel. +49 (0)30 25993 305 or

Public tours through the exhibition "Berlin Transit" will be held on Sundays at 2 pm from 25 March.

23 March to 15 July 2012

Workshop: The Scheunenviertel - An Historico-critical Image Analysis

For school students from 8th to 13th grade, apprentices, and students

Participants learn to analyse photographs as a historical source with pictures of the Berlin Scheunenviertel’s Jewish population during the 1920/30s. They take a critical look at image content and structure and discuss the role of usage context and picture title in interpretation.

When: by appointment

Duration: 2 hours

Cost: 3 € per school student. Maximum of 15 per group

28 March to 15 July 2012

Project Day: A Photographic Look at "the Other"

For school students from 8th to 13th grade and other interested parties

This workshop builds on the project day and, besides the historical photo analysis, considers visual stereotypes of today. With this discussion as the backdrop, the students experiment independently with the camera and learn how certain image structures can influence perception.

When: by appointment

Duration: 6 hours

Cost: 5 € per school student. Maximum of 35 per group

24 April 2012, 3 to 6 pm

Information Event: Berlin Transit

For teachers

We will present the exhibition, the educational program surrounding it as well as selected secondary literature on the theme of pictures as a source for historico-political learning.

When: 24 April 2012, 3 to 6 pm

Duration: 3 hours

Cost: 5 € including admission to the exhibition

We require advance booking (for non-journalists) on tel. +49 (0)30 25993 424 or

Project Day: And in Germany they call us "the Russians"

For school students from 10th grade, trainees, and university students

About 200,000 Jewish quota refugees from the former Soviet Union have moved to Germany since 1989. In this workshop, students consider the reasons for emigration and the process of immigration and integration in Germany.

When: by appointment

Duration: 5 hours

Cost: 5 € per school student including admission to the exhibition. Maximum of 20 students per group.

The Scheunenviertel - Myth and Reality

City tour

To this day, the term "Scheunenviertel" has remained a synonym for mysterious, shady, and strange. Where was the slum district that was home to many Eastern Jewish immigrants located? What really happened between the Volksbühne and the Volkskaffeehaus?

When: at 2 pm on the following Saturdays

7 and 21 April, 12 and 26 May, 23 June and 14 July 2012

Duration: 2 hours

Meeting point in front of the Volksbühne (Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz subway station)

Cost: 9.50 €, reduced rate 7 € (the tour can also be booked for groups)

Tickets and further information from our partner "StattReisen Berlin" at or tel. +49 (0)30 4553028

Charlottengrad - Russian Life in Berlin

City tour

At the beginning of the 1920s, more Russian books were published in Berlin than anywhere else. How did the brief flowering of West Berlin as the substitute intellectual capital of the Russian-speaking world come about? A literary encounter with Belyj, Gorki, Ehrenburg, Nabokov, and many more.

When: at 2 pm on the following Sundays

25 March, 8 April, 20 May, 10 June, and 8 July 2012

Duration: 2 hours

Meeting point: Wittenbergplatz subway station, by the clock in the entrance hall

Cost: 9.50 €, reduced rate 7 € (the tour can also be booked for groups)

Tickets and further information from our partner "StattReisen Berlin" at or tel. +49 (0)30 4553028

Further Training For Teachers

Isn’t it like that in Islam, too?

Discussing Islam and Judaism with Muslim school students can pose a special challenge. The session not only explores similarities such as kosher and halal, but also religious faith and different personal experiences.

When: Thursday 10 May 2012, 3 to 6 pm

Duration: 3 hours

Cost: 5 euros

We require advance booking (for non-journalists) on tel. +49 (0)30 25993 515 or

City Tours

In Search of Traces of Jewish Life in Southern Friedrichstadt

The city tour through southern Friedrichstadt focuses on the rise to bourgeois society and the considerable contribution of the Jewish population to Berlin becoming a financial and cultural metropolis. The tour uses multimedia guides that show what can no longer be seen.

When: Sunday 22 April and 3 June 2012, 11 am

Meeting Point: main entrance, Jewish Museum Berlin

Cost: 10 euros

Bookings (for non-journalists) on tel. +49 (0)30 25993 587 or

Through Old Berlin in Search of Traces of Jewish Life

The stroll through the city goes through three historical districts of Berlin, the Klosterviertel, the Nikolaiviertel, and the Marienviertel. Since many of the places of Jewish historical significance have disappeared from the cityscape, tour participants have the opportunity to compare views of then and now with multimedia guide photos, engravings or paintings of the historical buildings.

When: Sunday 13 May 2012, 11 am

Meeting point: Klosterstrasse subway station

Cost: 10 euros

Bookings (for non-journalists) on tel. +49 (0)30 25993 587 or

The Jewish Museum Berlin is open daily from 10 am to 8 pm, on Mondays until 10 pm.

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