Holy Rebellion: Feminist and Queer Approaches to Jewish Law

Lecture and conversation with Ronit Irshai and Avigail Ben Dor Niv, part of the program of events accompanying the exhibition Sex: Jewish Positions (in English)

It is commonly assumed that Judaism, unlike Christianity, espouses a positive theological view of sexuality that does not see abstinence as a spiritual ideal. Only recently have new approaches in feminist criticism, gender studies and queer theory challenged Judaism’s position on hetero-normative sexual identities. Scholars are questioning the basic gender-related assumptions within the Jewish intellectual tradition, as well as in Jewish law and theology. 

Tue, 19. Sep 2024, 7 pm

Map with all buildings that belong to the Jewish Museum Berlin. The W. M. Blumenthal Academy is marked in green


W. M. Blumenthal Academy,
Klaus Mangold Auditorium
Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 1, 10969 Berlin
(Opposite the Museum)

In her lecture, religious scholar Ronit Irshai traces the radical transformation of these principles, which not only influence romantic relationships and the family as a patriarchal institution, but also define the meaning of sexuality and its role in Judaism. This will be followed by a conversation with the newly ordained rabbi Avigail Ben Dor Niv. 

Ronit Irshai is associate professor and head of gender studies at Bar-Ilan Univeristy in Israel, research fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem (for pluralistic Judaism), member of the board of the Reckman Center of Bar-Ilan University (for women’s rights) and member of “Kolech,” a religious-feminist forum.ciaa Her book Holy Rebellion: Religious Feminism and the Transformation of Judaism and Women’s Rights in Israel (co-authored with Tanya Zion-Waldoks) will be published this year.

Avigail Ben Dor Niv will be ordained as a rabbi on 1 September. She studied at the Abraham Geiger College and the School of Theology at the University of Potsdam. Born and raised in Israel, she studied at the Secular Yeshiva and later earned a BA with distinction from the Department of Talmud at Tel Aviv University. She taught Bible studies at a high school in Tel Aviv. She also studied at the Sam Spiegel Film School in Jerusalem. She is married, has one child and lives in Berlin.

A person wrapped in paper printed with Hebrew letters lies on a dark, wrinkled sheet.

Wrestling With Leviticus; Susan Kaplow, New York, 2012, 2023

Colorful photo collage of art objects from the exhibition.

Sex: Jewish Positions: Features & Programme

Exhibition Webpage
Sex: Jewish Positions: Exhibition, 17 May to 6 Oct 2024
Accompanying Events
From Orthodox to Queer. SEX – Jewish Positions in Film: 23 Jun 2024
JMB Bookclub: Let’s read! The Song of Songs, 26 Jun 2024
JMB Bookclub: Let’s read! Portnoy’s Fear of Flying, 24 Jul 2024
Holy Rebel­lion: Feminist and Queer Approaches to Halacha With Ronit Irshai and Avigail Ben Dor Niv (in English) 19. Sep 2024
Sex. Jüdische Positionen: Catalog accompanying the exhibition, German edition, 2024
Sex: Jewish Positions: Catalog accompanying the exhibition, English edition, 2024
Digital Content
Letʼs Talk About Sex: Online feature accompanying the exhibition
What do the artists say? Interview series accompanying the exhibition
Listen to the exhibition’s soundtrack: Playlist on Spotify
The Song of Songs. Between Literal and Allegorical Loves: Essay by Ilana Pardes
“Sex Is A Force”: Interview with Talli Rosenbaum
Androgynous Characters in I.B. Singer’s Literary Shtetl: Essay by Helena Lutz
Jewish Places: Find information about Jewish sites related to the exhibition on our interactive map
Tours & Workshops
Public tour: Tour with fixed dates, in German
Public tour: Tour with fixed dates
Public tour: Tour with fixed dates, in Hebrew
Bookable tours: Tours for groups
Sex: Jewish Positions at the JMB library: Public guided tour through the museum’s library
Hey you! Flirting without Sexism: Workshop for students with drama-pedagogical elements on the exhibition
Duty and Pleasure: Workshop for adults
See also
Jüdisches Film Festival Berlin | Brandenburg: Film series in cooperation with the Jewish Museum Berlin

Where, when, what?

  • WhenTue, 19. Sep 2024, 7 pm
  • Where W. M. Blumenthal Academy,
    Klaus Mangold Auditorium
    Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 1, 10969 Berlin (Opposite the Museum)
    See location on map

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