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"Make Your Own Music" The Jewish Museum Berlin Hosts the First School Student Band Competition

Press Information

Press Release, Thu 18 Aug 2011

The winners will travel to the capital and play as the supporting act to a trendy Berlin hip-hop band on 27 October

Fame, honor, and great prizes await the winners of the Jewish Museum’s first school student band competition. To mark its 10th anniversary, the museum is looking for school students of 13 upwards who compose their own music and lyrics. The solo artists and bands are free to choose their theme and music style. Up until 22 September, tracks can be uploaded to the Facebook page of the Jewish Museum Berlin and the Facebook community makes the selection. The winners will travel to Berlin and will play during the anniversary week from 24 to 30 October as the opening act to a popular hip-hop band that will be announced on 10 September. In addition, the museums Friends’ Circle will present the winners with a 500 € voucher for music equipment.


Press office
T +49 (0)30 259 93 419


Jewish Museum Berlin Foundation
Lindenstraße 9–14
10969 Berlin

Since it opened in 2001, over one million children and young people have visited the museum. Furthermore, around 35,000 young people have participated in the educational initiative "on.tour – The JMB Tours Schools" with which the museum has visited schools all over the country since 2007. The museum is celebrating the success of its educational programs with "10th Grade Day" during the anniversary week on 27 October. The concert with the band competition winners will conclude this eventful day also featuring 60 free guided tours, workshops, and a film showing and discussion with the director Mo Asumang.

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