German Jews Today. Leonard Freed
Curator’s Tour through the Exhibition for FRIENDS OF THE JMB (in German)
At the start of the 1960s, not even 20 years after the abyss of the Holocaust, the American-Jewish photographer Leonard Freed (1929‒2006) spent several months traveling through West Germany. He wanted to use his camera to capture how German Jews were currently living. All 52 photographs from Leonard Freed’s series, purchased from the photographer’s widow Brigitte Freed, are part of the museum’s collection. They are exhibited in their entirety for the first time. In two guided tours through the exhibition, curators Leonore Maier and Theresia Ziehe will introduce us to Freed’s photographic perspective on this period and references to the present day.
Tue 4 & Wed 26 Mar 2025, 4.30 pm

Old Building, ground level, “Meeting Point” in the foyer
Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin

Leonard Freed, Young couple, Düsseldorf, 1961; Jewish Museum Berlin, accession 2008/305/39. Further information about this photo can be found in our online collections (in German)

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