“Hear the Truth, Whoever Speaks It”
Conference Proceedings on Milestones in the Work of Moses Maimonides from Islamic Spain to Modern Berlin
The philosopher, doctor, and legal scholar Moses Maimonides (1135–1204) is considered one of the most important Jewish thinkers of the Middle Ages. The volume of conference proceedings “Hear the Truth, Whoever Speaks It” provides insight into more recent research on his world in Islamic Spain and Old Cairo and on how his work was received by Jews, Christians, and Muslims. The focus is both on characteristic aspects of Maimonides’ work and on presenting little-known Muslim and Christian interpretations of his philosophy from the medieval Islamic world to modern Berlin.
The editor Dr. Lukas Mühlethaler is a junior professor in Jewish Philosophy and Aesthetics at the Institute for Jewish Studies at the Free University Berlin.
With the support of the Friends of the Jewish Museum Berlin
- “Höre die Wahrheit, wer sie auch spricht”. Stationen des Werks von Moses Maimonides vom islamischen Spanien bis ins moderne Berlin
(“Hear the Truth, Whoever Speaks It.” Milestones in the Work auf Moses Maimonides from Islamic Spain to Modern Berlin)
(Schriften des Jüdischen Museums Berlin, Band 2)
96 pages with 5 illustrations
Hardcover Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Göttingen 2014
ISBN: 978-3-525-30067-1
In German only - Editor Lukas Muehlethaler
- Contributing Writers Maribel Fierro, Görge K. Hasselhoff, George Y. Kohler, Yitzhak Melamed, Lukas Muehlethaler, Gregor Schwarb, Sarah Stroumsa, with preface by Cilly Kugelmann
- Design textformart
- Price 29.99 €
The volume is freely accessible as an electronic open access edition in the V&R eLibrary
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Book Series: Studies of the Jewish Museum Berlin (5)
Conference Proceedings: PDF and Open Access (6)